Category: Dz (Other)

Title Cat:App Page
Analysis and design of rack-climbing robotic storage and retrieval systems Dz:120 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 247
Research on the influence of compensation methods and customer sentiment on service recovery effect Dz:140 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 49
Interviewer effects and the measurement of financial literacy Dz:110 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 393
The elusive employment effect of the minimum wage Dz:270 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 235
Design implications of extended producer responsibility for durable products Dz:100 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 77
The (over) zealous snow remover problem Dz:220 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 81
Why has urban inequality increased? Dz:220 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 79
Dynamic learning of patient response type: An application to treating chronic diseases Dz:280 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 81
American Red Cross uses analytics-based methods to improve blood-collection operations Dz:220 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 467
Why locate manufacturing in a high-cost country? A case study of 35 production location decisions Dz:120 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 271
Anonymizing and sharing medical text records Dz:220 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 275
Dynamic theory of losses in wars and conflicts Dz:260 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 279
Dynamic pricing in the presence of social learning and strategic consumers Dz:140 OR/MS / 58 / 5-6 / 509
Designing an efficient humanitarian supply network Dz:220 OR/MS / 58 / 5-6 / 513
Addressing the causes of mass migrations: Leapfrog solutions for mutual prosperity growth between regions of emigration and regions of immigration Dz:270 OR/MS / 58 / 5-6 / 517
Predicting Melbourne ambulance demand using kernel warping Dz:220 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 91
Approximating the performance of a “last mile” transportation system Dz:250 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 95
Using analytics to enhance a food retailer’s shelf-space management Dz:210 OR/MS / 57 / 5-6 / 497
Quest for accountability: Exploring the evaluation process of universities Dz:220 OR/MS / 57 / 4 / 357
Revenue management for operations with urgent orders Dz:110 OR/MS / 56 / 4 / 371
Can hazardous waste supply chain ‘hotspots’ be identified using an input-output framework? Dz:240 OR/MS / 56 / 1-2 / 97
Does quality matter for innovations in low income markets? The case of the Kenyan mobile phone sector Dz:140 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 533
Price competition with consumer confusion Dz:140 OR/MS / 55 / 4 / 369
Modeling influenza pandemic and planning food distribution Dz:220 OR/MS / 55 / 3 / 253
Capability hierarchy in electronic procurement and procurement process performance: An empirical analysis Dz:100 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 119
Optimal dynamic mechanism design and the virtual-pivot mechanism Dz:000 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 505
Pricing time-sensitive services based on realized performance Dz:120 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 509
Can commonality relieve cannibalization in product line design? Dz:150 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 511
Analyzing screening policies for childhood obesity Dz:220 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 361
Can financial markets inform operational improvement efforts? Evidence from the airline industry Dz:250 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 365
Price dispersion and loss-leader pricing: Evidence from the online book industry Dz:110 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 229
Toward a theory of coordinating: Creating coordinating mechanisms in practice Dz:100 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 359
Using simple methods to derive EOQ and EPQ models with shortage and imperfect quality Dz:110 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 93
The hidden information content of price movements Dz:140 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 95
Breaking the deadlock: Improving water-release policies on the Delaware River through operations research Dz:240 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 505
Estimating the operational impact of container inspections at international ports Dz:250 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 507
INDEVAL develops a new operating and settlement system using operations research Dz:290 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 509
Design and analysis of diagnostic service centers Dz:120 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 369
The loader problem: formulation, complexity and algorithms Dz:150 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 373
A scatter search methodology for the nurse rostering problem Dz:220 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 375
A review of the recent contribution of systems thinking to operational research and management science Dz:000 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 245
Computing stable loads for pallets Dz:150 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 247
Modelling the size and skill-mix of hospital nursing teams Dz:220 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 249
Catastrophe economics: The national flood insurance program Dz:230 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 251
Why bundle discounts can be a profitable alternative to competing on price promotions Dz:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 101
Pricing, frills and customer ratings Dz:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 103
Cardinal scales for health evaluation Dz:220 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 105
An integrated model to solve the winter asset and road maintenance problem Dz:250 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 487
The analytics movement: Implications for operations research Dz:100 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 371
Applied Materials uses operations research to design its service and parts network Dz:120 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 373
The evolution of cell formation problem methodologies based on recent studies (1997-2008): Review and directions for future research Dz:000 OR/MS / 51 / 1-2 / 101
Synthetic control methods for comparative case studies: Estimating the effect of California’s tobacco control program Dz:210 OR/MS / 51 / 1-2 / 105
Incentive and production decisions for remanufacturing operations Dz:150 OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 527
Green retailing: Factors for success Dz:150 OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 529
A new index of credit worthiness for retail credit products Dz:230 OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 533
Introducing Iso-Tiler 3D: A 3D tiling visualize Dz:000 OR/MS / 50 / 4 / 367
Using back propagation network algorithms with joint purchase techniques to make profits in a leisure farming project Dz:220 OR/MS / 50 / 4 / 369
Sustainable vegetable crop supply problem Dz:290 OR/MS / 50 / 4 / 371
Modeling and optimizing the public-health infrastructure for emergency response Dz:220 OR/MS / 50 / 3 / 249
OR and language planning: Modeling the interaction between unilingual and bilingual populations Dz:290 OR/MS / 50 / 3 / 253
Conflict resolution in the scheduling of television commercials Dz:000 OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 109
Homeland security: From mathematical models to policy implementation: The 2008 Philip McCord Morse lecture Dz:270 OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 111
Patterns of advanced manufacturing technology utilization and manufacturing capabilities Dz:150 OR/MS / 49 / 5-6 / 483
A design theory approach to building strategic network- based customer service systems Dz:190 OR/MS / 49 / 4 / 357
The design and application of a robotic vacuum cleaner Dz:000 OR/MS / 49 / 3 / 239
Estimating the intensity of conflict in Iraq Dz:260 OR/MS / 49 / 3 / 241
Problem structuring methods: Theorizing the benefits of deconstructing sustainable development projects Dz:240 OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 445
Applying the collective causal mapping methodology to operations management curriculum development Dz:290 OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 449
Building better theory by bridging the quantitative-qualitative divide Dz:000 OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 179
Encouraging best practice in quantitative management research: An incomplete list of opportunities Dz:100 OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 183
Greedy multiprocessor server scheduling Dz:150 OR/MS / 47 / 3 / 319
A spatial economic analysis of urban land use and obesity Dz:220 OR/MS / 47 / 3 / 321
In search of the magic lasso: The truth about the polygraph Dz:290 OR/MS / 46 / 4 / 437
Principles for user design of customized products Dz:140 OR/MS / 46 / 3 / 319
Investment in facility changeover flexibility for early entry into high-tech markets Dz:140 OR/MS / 46 / 2 / 185
A dynamic kernel logic model for the analysis of longitudinal discrete choice data: Properties and computational assessment Dz:000 OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 675
Economic evaluation of scale dependent technology investments Dz:170 OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 677
Estimating housing demand with an application to explaining racial segregation in cities Dz:220 OR/MS / 45 / 4 / 419
Image mining and massive analysis for large vision machines in astronomy Dz:280 OR/MS / 45 / 3 / 307
Uncertainty, flexibility and sustained competitive advantage Dz:100 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 77