OR/MS / Volume 64 / Issue 1-2

Title Cat:App Page
How to Use this Journal 1
Classification Code Structure 3
Journal List 5
Investor tastes, corporate behavior and stock returns: An analysis of corporate social responsibility Ac:110 11
The novelty of innovation: Competition, disruption and antitrust policy Af:100 15
The not-so-new south suburbs: Asian immigration and the politics of school integration in Chapel Hill, North Carolina Ag:220 17
Pouring cement down one of your oil wells: Relationship between the supply chain disruption orientation and performance Ah:100 21
Supply chain fairness Ah:100 25
Menu costs and the bullwhip effect: Supply chain implications of dynamic pricing Ah:120 29
Why emerging supply chain technologies initially disappoint: Blockchain, IoT and AI Ah:120 33
Labor unions and product quality failures Bc:150 37
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on grocery retail operations: An analytical model Db:220 41
Let them stay or let them go? Online retailer pricing strategy for managing stockouts Dd:130 45
Research on the influence of compensation methods and customer sentiment on service recovery effect Dz:140 49
Failures in the communication of risk: Decisions and numeracy Ea:130 53
The sound of silence: What do we know when insiders do not trade? Eb:110 57
Predictive analytics improves sales forecasts for a pop-up retailer Eb:210 61
Market shifts in the sharing economy: The impact of Airbnb on housing rentals Ed:220 65
We won’t be able to find jobs here: How growing up in rural America shapes decisions about work Ez:220 69
Reputation inflation Fc:130 73
The market for fake reviews Fc:130 77
Building status in an online community Fc:130 81
Dealing with the social media polycontextuality of work Fc:130 85
Testing for balance in social networks Fc:130 89
Collaborative filtering with awareness of social networks Fc:130 93
Reading between the stars: Understanding the effects of online customer reviews on product demand Fc:140 95
Optional purchase verification in e-commerce platforms: More representative product ratings and higher quality reviews Fc:140 99
Swayed by the reviews: Disentangling the effects of average ratings and individual reviews in online word-of-mouth Fc:140 103
An empirical study of play duration and in-app purchase behavior in mobile games Fc:140 107
Effects of online reviews and competition on quality and pricing strategies Fc:140 111
Product ranking on online platforms Fc:140 115
What makes a good image? Airbnb demand analytics leveraging interpretable image features Fc:190 117
Monetary sanctions as chronic and acute health stressors: The emotional strain of people who owe court fines and fees Z:130 121
Journal Contents 125