Application: 250 (Transportation & infrastructure)

Title Cat:App Page
Customer preference and station network in the London bike-share system Cg:250 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 231
Safer skies over Spain Cg:250 OR/MS / 63 / 1-2 / 83
A robust pairing model for airline crew scheduling Cg:250 OR/MS / 62 / 5-6 / 377
Bus routing optimization helps Boston public schools design better policies Cg:250 OR/MS / 62 / 5-6 / 379
No-wait scheduling for locks Cc:250 OR/MS / 62 / 3-4 / 203
Online vehicle routing: The edge of optimization in large-sale applications Cc:250 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 43
Vehicle routing and location routing with intermediate stops: A review Cc:250 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 45
Crowdsourced delivery – A dynamic pickup and delivery problem with ad hoc drivers Cc:250 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 49
The same-day delivery problem for online purchases Cc:250 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 53
Routing and scheduling for a last-mile transportation system Cc:250 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 55
A simulation-based traffic signal control for congested urban traffic networks Cg:250 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 65
Setting inventory levels in a bike sharing network Dd:250 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 73
A ride-sharing problem with meeting points and return restrictions Cg:250 OR/MS / 61 / 5-6 / 391
Station dispatching problem for a large terminal: A constraint programming approach Cc:250 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 219
Dispatch optimization in bulk tanker transport operations Cg:250 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 235
Integrated passenger and freight train planning on shared-use corridors Cg:250 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 239
A joint vehicle routing and speed optimization problem Cc:250 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 59
Container dispatching and conflict-free yard crane routing in an automated container terminal Cc:250 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 61
Emergency train scheduling on Chinese high-speed railways Cc:250 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 65
Pruning rules for optimal runway sequencing Cg:250 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 73
Disruptive entrepreneurship and dual purpose strategies: The case of Uber Aa:250 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 191
Stochastic inventory routing for perishable products Cc:250 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 219
Robust optimization for a maritime inventory routing problem Cd:250 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 223
Car travel demand: Spillovers and asymmetric price effects in a spatial setting Cd:250 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 227
Time-indexed formulations for the runway scheduling problem Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 405
Improving post-disaster road network accessibility by strengthening links against failures Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 409
Optimal routing for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 413
Collaborative vehicle routing: A survey Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 417
Adoptive routing and recharging policies for electric vehicles Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 421
Optimizing inbound baggage handling at airports Cd:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 425
Column generation of outbound baggage handling at airports Cd:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 429
Processing time ambiguity and port competitiveness Cg:250 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 435
Non-elementary formulations for single vehicle routing problems with pickups and deliveries Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 249
An exact method for vehicle routing and truck driver scheduling problems Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 71
Branch and price and cut for split-delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows and linear weight-related cost Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 75
Truck scheduling in the postal service industry Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 79
The electric location routing problem with time windows and partial recharging Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 81
Customizable route planning in road networks Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 85
The vehicle routing problem with transhipment facilities Cc:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 87
Optimal recharging policies for electric vehicles Cd:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 93
A methodological framework of travel time distribution estimation for urban signalized arterial roads Cz:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 115
Queues with server vacations as a model for pretimed signalized urban traffic Dd:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 123
Analysis of traffic statics and dynamics in signalized networks: A Poincare map approach Df:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 127
Predicting the potential market for electric vehicles Eb:250 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 145
Fairness and collaboration in network air traffic flow management: An optimization approach Cc:250 OR/MS / 58 / 4 / 337
Integrated aircraft routing, crew pairing and tail assignment: Branch-and-price with many pricing problems Cc:250 OR/MS / 58 / 4 / 341
Media framing the reception of unmanned aerial vehicles in the United States of America Bz:250 OR/MS / 58 / 3 / 207
Optimal solutions to a real-world integrated airline scheduling problem Cc:250 OR/MS / 58 / 3 / 215
Reliable hub network design: Formulation and solution techniques Cc:250 OR/MS / 58 / 3 / 219
Dynamic control of runway configurations and of arrival and departure service rates at JFK Airport under stochastic queue conditions Cz:250 OR/MS / 58 / 3 / 223
A stochastic model for interterminal container transportation Df:250 OR/MS / 58 / 3 / 231
The freight train routing problem for congested railway networks with mixed traffic Cd:250 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 75
Optimization methods for multistage freight train formation Cd:250 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 77
Day-to-day flow dynamics and congestion control Cg:250 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 81
Approximating the performance of a “last mile” transportation system Dz:250 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 95
Uncertainty in fleet renewal: A case from maritime transportation Ef:250 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 109
Bayesian analysis of traffic flow on Interstate I-55: The LWR model Cc:250 OR/MS / 57 / 5-6 / 475
Optimal routing for electric vehicle service systems Cc:250 OR/MS / 57 / 5-6 / 479
The time window assignment vehicle routing problem Cc:250 OR/MS / 57 / 5-6 / 483
Fare prediction websites and transaction prices: Empirical evidence from the airline industry Fc:250 OR/MS / 57 / 5-6 / 551
Hook turns as a solution to the right-turning traffic problem Cc:250 OR/MS / 57 / 1-2 / 73
The fixed charge transportation problem: An exact algorithm based on a new integer programming formulation Cb:250 OR/MS / 56 / 5-6 / 477
On the system optimum dynamic traffic assignment and earliest arrival flow problems Cg:250 OR/MS / 56 / 4 / 359
Competitive goals and plant investment in environment and safety practices: Moderating effect of national culture Cg:250 OR/MS / 56 / 4 / 363
Toward mass adoption of electric vehicles: Impact of the range and resale anxieties Ef:250 OR/MS / 56 / 4 / 387
Solving air traffic conflict problems via local continuous optimization Cg:250 OR/MS / 56 / 3 / 239
Min-max vs. min-sum vehicle routing: A worst-case analysis Cg:250 OR/MS / 56 / 3 / 243
Evaluating risk of water mains failure using Bayesian belief network model Ed:250 OR/MS / 56 / 3 / 261
Decision support system for PETROBRAS ship scheduling Cc:250 OR/MS / 56 / 1-2 / 77
Finding optimal hyperpaths in large transit networks with realistic headway distributions Cg:250 OR/MS / 56 / 1-2 / 87
State of the practice: A review of the application of OR/MS in freight transportation Z:250 OR/MS / 56 / 1-2 / 151
Operational aircraft maintenance routing problem with remaining time consideration Cc:250 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 493
Improving the robustness in railway station areas Cc:250 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 495
Adjusting a railway timetable in case of partial or complete blockades Cc:250 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 497
The electric vehicle-routing problem with time windows and recharging stations Cc:250 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 501
New mixed integer-programming model for the pickup-and-delivery problem with transshipment Cg:250 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 519
Exact and heuristic methods for placing ships in locks Db:250 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 525
Forecasting the demand for electric vehicles: Accounting for attitudes and perceptions Ed:250 OR/MS / 55 / 5-6 / 553
Service-oriented line planning and timetabling for passenger trains Cc:250 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 83
Adaptive path relinking for vehicle routing and scheduling problems with product returns Cg:250 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 109