Application: 120 (Facility & logistics management)

Title Cat:App Page
Designing supply chain strategies against epidemic outbreaks such as COVID-19: Review and future research directions Ah:120 OR/MS / 64 / 5-6 / 359
Separation of perishable inventories in offline retailing through transshipment Ah:120 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 197
Crowd-sourcing last-mile deliveries Cg:120 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 223
Analysis and design of rack-climbing robotic storage and retrieval systems Dz:120 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 247
Menu costs and the bullwhip effect: Supply chain implications of dynamic pricing Ah:120 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 29
Why emerging supply chain technologies initially disappoint: Blockchain, IoT and AI Ah:120 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 33
Sustainable triple-A supply chains Ah:120 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 359
Sustainable supply chain Ah:120 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 361
Multi-stage supply chain with production uncertainty Ah:120 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 363
Urban consolidation center or peer-to-peer platform? The solution to urban last-mile delivery Cc:120 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 375
Grocery store density and food waste Cd:120 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 379
Consumer return policies in omnichannel operations Fa:120 OR/MS / 63 / 1-2 / 105
Designing response supply chains against bioattacks Ah:120 OR/MS / 62 / 5-6 / 357
Supply chain proximity and product quality Ah:120 OR/MS / 62 / 5-6 / 361
Robotized and automated warehouse systems: Review and recent developments Fa:120 OR/MS / 62 / 5-6 / 409
Scattered storage: How to distribute stock keeping units all around a mixed-shelves warehouse Dd:120 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 251
Inventory management in a consumer electronics closed-loop supply chain Ah:120 OR/MS / 60 / 1-2 / 45
An optimization web service for a freight brokering system Fc:120 OR/MS / 60 / 1-2 / 103
Service refusals in supply chains: Drivers and deterrents of freight rejection Ah:120 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 381
Inventory routing with pickups and deliveries Cc:120 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 399
Integrated supply chain management via randomized rounding Ah:120 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 203
Appointment scheduling and routing optimization of attended home delivery with random customer behavior Cc:120 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 235
Verizon optimizes work center locations to reduce installation and repair operations costs Cz:120 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 265
Why locate manufacturing in a high-cost country? A case study of 35 production location decisions Dz:120 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 271
Mitigating inventory overstocking: Optimal order-up-to level to achieve a target fill rate over a finite horizon Ed:120 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 285
Mathematical optimization approaches for facility layout problems: The state-of-the-art and future research directions Cd:120 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 89
An integrative framework of buyer-supplier negative relationship quality and dysfunctional interfirm conflict Ah:120 OR/MS / 58 / 5-6 / 453
A continuum approximation approach to the dynamic facility location problem in a growing market Cz:120 OR/MS / 58 / 4 / 349
Continuous-review (R, nQ) policies for inventory systems with dual delivery modes Ed:120 OR/MS / 58 / 4 / 357
Television advertising and online word-of-mouth: An empirical investigation of social TV activity Fc:120 OR/MS / 58 / 4 / 377
Managing perishable inventories in retailing: Replenishment, clearance sales and segregation Ed:120 OR/MS / 58 / 3 / 239
Analysis of the bullwhip effect in two parallel supply chains with interacting price-sensitive demands Ah:120 OR/MS / 57 / 4 / 319
Carton-mix optimization for distribution centers Cd:120 OR/MS / 57 / 4 / 349
Service failure recovery and prevention: Managing stockouts in distribution channels Ez:120 OR/MS / 57 / 4 / 371
Why are there still so many jobs? The history and future of workplace automation Eb:120 OR/MS / 57 / 3 / 237
Financial benefits and risks of dependency in triadic supply chain relationships Ah:120 OR/MS / 57 / 1-2 / 37
Managing supply disruptions when sourcing from reliable and unreliable suppliers Ah:120 OR/MS / 57 / 1-2 / 41
Experience-based routing in call center environments Cc:120 OR/MS / 57 / 1-2 / 65
Production smoothing and the bullwhip effect Ed:120 OR/MS / 57 / 1-2 / 101
Inventory control in a spare parts distribution system with emergency stocks and pipeline information Ed:120 OR/MS / 57 / 1-2 / 105
Identifying risks and mitigating disruptions in the automotive supply chain Ah:120 OR/MS / 56 / 5-6 / 451
The vehicle routing problem with divisible deliveries and pickups Cc:120 OR/MS / 56 / 5-6 / 489
Optimal ordering for a probabilistic one-time discount Cd:120 OR/MS / 56 / 5-6 / 501
Service-delivery modeling and optimization Cd:120 OR/MS / 56 / 5-6 / 505
The middleman as a panacea for supply chain coordination problems Ah:120 OR/MS / 56 / 4 / 323
Demand shocks and open economy puzzles Ed:120 OR/MS / 56 / 4 / 383
Remanufactured products in closed-loop supply chains for consumer goods Ah:120 OR/MS / 56 / 3 / 209
Operations research models for coalition structure in collaborative logistics Az:120 OR/MS / 56 / 3 / 213
Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain: A comprehensive review to explore the future Ah:120 OR/MS / 56 / 1-2 / 47
‘Too little’ or ‘too late’: The timing of supply chain demand collaboration Ah:120 OR/MS / 56 / 1-2 / 51
Loading, unloading and premarshalling of stacks in storage areas: Survey and classification Dd:120 OR/MS / 56 / 1-2 / 93
Kroger uses simulation-optimization to improve pharmacy inventory management Cd:120 OR/MS / 55 / 3 / 241
An equilibrium model of online shopping supply chain networks with service capacity investment Ah:120 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 43
Supply chain optimization and planning in Heracles General Cement Company Ah:120 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 451
Global facility network design in the presence of competition Cc:120 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 479
A dispatching model for server-to-customer systems that balances efficiency and equity Cg:120 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 491
Pricing time-sensitive services based on realized performance Dz:120 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 509
Optimal selection of process mean for stochastic inventory model Ed:120 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 527
Bin packing with conflicts: A generic branch-and-price algorithm Cd:120 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 343
International diversification of manufacturing operations: Performance implications and moderating forces Ag:120 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 195
Using enterprise architecture analysis and interview data to estimate service response time Eb:120 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 103
Labor market outcomes and reforms in China Ag:120 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 451
On the unique features of post-disaster humanitarian logistics Ez:120 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 541
Home sweet home: Entrepreneurs’ location choices and the performance of their ventures Ag:120 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 317
The logistics capabilities scale for logistics service providers Ah:120 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 323
Competitive facility location and design with reactions of competitors already in the market Cd:120 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 347
Shunting yard operations: Theoretical aspects and applications Ea:120 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 365
The vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands and split deliveries Cc:120 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 229
Optimizing reliability and service parts logistics for time varying installed base Cd:120 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 233
Knowledge management in supply chain: An empirical study from France Ah:120 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 39
Information technology, operational and management competencies for supply chain agility: Findings from case studies Ah:120 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 43
Order acceptance and scheduling: A taxonomy and review Cc:120 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 73
Simphony supply chain simulator: A simulation toolkit to model supply chain of construction projects De:120 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 89
A multi-criteria decision making approach for location planning for urban distribution centers under uncertainty Cb:120 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 481
Performance measurement in the warehousing industry Db:120 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 493
Reconceptualizing the firm in a world of outsourcing and offshoring: The organizational and geographical relocation of high-value company functions Ag:120 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 323
Design and analysis of diagnostic service centers Dz:120 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 369
Competitive analysis of the online inventory problem Fc:120 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 269
Improving supply chain performance and managing risk under weather-related demand uncertainty Ah:120 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 41
Improving supply chain performance: Real-time demand information and flexible deliveries Ah:120 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 45