Application: 190 (Other)

Title Cat:App Page
Queues with redundancy: Is waiting in multiple lines fair? Dd:190 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 243
What makes a good image? Airbnb demand analytics leveraging interpretable image features Fc:190 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 117
Service quality using text mining: Measurement and Consequences Bz:190 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 373
The customer may not always be right: Customer compatibility and service performance Bz:190 OR/MS / 63 / 1-2 / 71
Which side are you on? The divergent effects of protest participation on organizations affiliated with identity groups Ag:190 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 13
Supply chain visibility and social responsibility: Investigating consumer’s behaviors and motives Ah:190 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 27
Professional service supply chains Ab:190 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 17
Do I follow my friends or the crowd? Information cascades in online movie ratings Bc:190 OR/MS / 57 / 4 / 329
Estimating a war of attrition: The case of the US movie theater industry Fa:190 OR/MS / 57 / 3 / 249
Value creation and knowledge loss: The case of Cremonese stringed instruments Ab:190 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 309
Effects of piracy on quality of information goods Fc:190 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 141
The challenge of optimizing expensive black boxes: A scatter search/rough set theory approach Dc:190 OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 523
Managing service systems with an offline waiting option and customer abandonment Dd:190 OR/MS / 49 / 5-6 / 473
A design theory approach to building strategic network- based customer service systems Dz:190 OR/MS / 49 / 4 / 357
Maintenance optimization of equipment by linear programming Cb:190 OR/MS / 46 / 4 / 411
General Motors optimizes its scheduling of cold-weather tests Cc:190 OR/MS / 45 / 4 / 399
Blueprinting the service company – Managing service processes efficiently Ac:190 OR/MS / 44 / 6 / 603
Experience with identifying and characterizing problem-prone modules in telecommunication software systems Fe:190 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 461
Using simulated annealing to minimize the cost of centralized telecommunications networks Cf:190 OR/MS / 40 / 3 / 279