Category: 120 (Process capabilities, specifications)

Title Cat:App Page
Application of a proposed reliability analysis multivariate capability index on manufacturing processes 120:M QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 19
Applying statistical process control to teaching quality assurance at higher education institutions 120:T QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 21
Process quality indices: New metrics for process quality capability with zero-loss baseline 120:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 25
Random sampling strategies for multivariate statistical process control to detect cyber-physical manufacturing attacks 120:M QCAS / 68 / 3-4 / 177
New dynamic reliability assessment method based on process capability index and fault importance index 120:Y QCAS / 68 / 3-4 / 181
A new capability index for non-normal distributions based on linex loss function 120:Y QCAS / 68 / 3-4 / 185
Process control and quality performance: The role of shop-floor leadership practices 120:Y QCAS / 68 / 1-2 / 29
An adversarial risk analysis framework for batch acceptance problems 120:Y QCAS / 67 / 3-4 / 177
Yield-based process capability indices for non-normal continuous data 120:Y QCAS / 66 / 3-4 / 171
Monitoring fractional nonconformance for short-run production 120:M QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 341
Process capability in industry: Setting preliminary statistical specification limits 120:Y QCAS / 64 / 3-4 / 191
Multivariate ordinal categorical process control based on log-linear modeling 120:Y QCAS / 64 / 1-2 / 37
Prioritization of process improvement using risk evaluation in the manufacturing of biologics 120:Y QCAS / 64 / 1-2 / 39
A comparison of decision method for C_pk when data are auto- correlated 120:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 451
The moderating effects of supplier portfolio characteristics on the competitive performance impacts of supplier-facing process capabilities 120:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 453
A generalized Cp criterion for derivative estimation 120:Y QCAS / 58 / 1-2 / 29
Deming, data and observational studies: A process out of control and needing fixing 120:Y QCAS / 58 / 1-2 / 31
The development of a target-focused process capability index with multiple characteristics 120:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 447
Elliptical safety region plots for Cpk 120:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 451
A sensitivity study on the bootstrap confidence interval of the capability index Cpm 120:Y QCAS / 55 / 4 / 311
Quality performance analysis for the whole product family with multiple characteristics: Apply the cooling pump as an example 120:Y QCAS / 55 / 3 / 187
Improvement of economic integration of design with process capability index 120:Y QCAS / 55 / 1-2 / 19
A sensitivity study on the bootstrap confidence interval of the capability index Cpk 120:Y QCAS / 54 / 1-2 / 23
Assessing process capability based on the lower confidence bound of Cpk for asymmetric tolerances 120:Y QCAS / 53 / 6 / 551
A Bayesian estimator of process capability index 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 483
Measuring process performance based on expected loss with asymmetric tolerances 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 485
Production quality and yield assurance for processes with multiple independent characteristics 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 261
Permutation methods for comparing process capabilities 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 263
Supplier selection based on process capability and price analysis 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 2 / 151
Effect of testing normality on estimating process capability indices 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 2 / 153
Testing process capability based on Cpm in the presence of random measurement errors 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 2 / 155
Quantitative techniques to evaluate process stability 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 2 / 157
Assessing capability for hole location 120:M QCAS / 52 / 1 / 25
On statistical process control design 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 1 / 27
Capability indices and conformance to specification: The motivation for using Cpm 120:Y QCAS / 51 / 5 / 491
Capability index for relational functions: Inferential procedures 120:Y QCAS / 51 / 5 / 497
Assessing the process capability index for non-normal processes 120:Y QCAS / 51 / 4 / 375
Algebraic relationship between symmetrical and asymmetrical capability indices 120:Y QCAS / 51 / 3 / 247
Practical implementation of the capability index Cpk based on the control chart data 120:Y QCAS / 51 / 2 / 139
A Wald test for comparing multiple capability indices 120:Y QCAS / 51 / 2 / 141
Using statistical thinking and designed experiments to understand process operation 120:Y QCAS / 51 / 1 / 33
Improving process capability of manufacturing process by application of statistical techniques 120:Y QCAS / 50 / 6 / 617
Learning by doing: A series of hands-on projects for SPC 120:Y QCAS / 50 / 5 / 503
Evaluation of nonnormal process capability indices using generalized lambda distribution 120:Y QCAS / 50 / 5 / 505
Measuring banking operation performance by applying a process capability index 120:Z QCAS / 50 / 4 / 365
Quality loss functions for nonnegative variables and their applications 120:Y QCAS / 49 / 6 / 603
Application of neuro-fuzzy inference for process capability evaluation 120:Y QCAS / 49 / 5 / 513
Optimum mean location in a poor-capability process 120:Y QCAS / 49 / 4 / 377
Process capability analysis of a product family of larger-the-better 120:Y QCAS / 49 / 4 / 379
Capability analysis of complex parts 120:M QCAS / 49 / 2 / 127
Process capability optimization 120:Y QCAS / 49 / 1 / 21
Bootstrap confidence limits for short-run capability indices 120:Y QCAS / 48 / 6 / 613
Process capability improvement for multistage processes 120:Y QCAS / 48 / 5 / 499
Evaluating process capability for geometrical toleranced parts: A practical approach 120:Y QCAS / 48 / 1 / 30
Improvement of process capability through neural networks and robust design: A case study 120:Y QCAS / 47 / 6 / 609
Relative probability index Crp: An alternative process capability index 120:Y QCAS / 47 / 5 / 489
Process capability indices – A review, 1992-2000 120:Y QCAS / 47 / 5 / 491
Large-sample interval estimators for process capability indices 120:Y QCAS / 47 / 4 / 371
Performance problems of families of non-normal process capability indices 120:Y QCAS / 46 / 6 / 615
Determination of the optimal process mean with the consideration of variance reduction and process capability 120:Y QCAS / 46 / 5 / 499
Comparison of three multivariate process capability indices 120:Y QCAS / 46 / 4 / 379
Monitoring processes with highly censored data 120:Y QCAS / 46 / 2 / 139
Target allocation for maximizing wear allowance of running fits based on process capability 120:Y QCAS / 46 / 1 / 17
A p chart for monitoring capability using sensitivity data 120:Y QCAS / 45 / 6 / 615
A capability index for multiple process streams 120:Y QCAS / 45 / 5 / 503
Estimation of vendor’s process capability from the lots screened to meet specifications 120:Y QCAS / 45 / 4 / 377
Composite capability index for multiple product characteristics 120:Y QCAS / 45 / 3 / 253
Process capability sensitivity analysis 120:Y QCAS / 45 / 3 / 255
Specification limits, capability indices and process centering in assembly manufacture 120:M QCAS / 45 / 2 / 133