Application: Y (General Applications)

Title Cat:App Page
Design of variance control charts with estimated parameters: A head to head comparison between two perspectives 111:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 171
Robust multivariate control chart based on shrinkage for individual observations 111:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 173
Deep learning-based residual control chart for count data 119:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 177
Predictive control charts (PCC): A Bayesian approach in online monitoring of short runs 190:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 181
The signaling effect of sampling size in physical goods sampling via online channels 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 183
Sample design for analysis using high-influence probability sampling 220:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 191
The quality movement: Where are we going? Past, present and future 319:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 199
Workplace stress and health – The connection to quality management 332:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 203
ISO 9004 maturity model for quality in industry 4.0 342:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 207
Impact of lean and quality management practices on green supply chain performance: An empirical study on ceramic enterprises 351:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 209
Analysis of the evolution and impact of product quality in business 410:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 213
Development of a Kaizen series model: Abducting a blend of participatory formats to enhance the development of process improvement practices 430:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 217
The role of organizational culture in total quality management adoption and cost of quality 440:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 221
Reflections on Bayesian inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo 512:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 225
Prediction and outlier detection in classification problems 514:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 229
Irrational exuberance: Correcting bias in probability estimates 517:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 231
Treatment versus regime effects of carrots and sticks 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 233
Mixtures of matrix-variate contaminated normal distributions 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 237
Methods to compute prediction intervals: A review and new results 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 239
Using BART to perform Pareto optimization and quantify its uncertainties 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 241
Estimating design operating characteristics in Bayesian adaptive clinical trials 520:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 245
Model averaging for nonlinear regression models 542:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 255
Two-sample testing of high-dimensional linear regression coefficients via complementary sketching 549:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 257
Extremile regression 549:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 261
Handwriting identification using random forests and score-based likelihood ratios 559:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 265
Bayesian models for analysis of inventory and monitoring data with non-ignorable missingness 590:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 269
A new experiment on the use of images to answer web survey questions 690:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 281
Warranty length, product reliability and secondary markets 860:Y QCAS / 69 / 3-4 / 287
Nonparametric phase-II control charts for monitoring high-dimensional processes with unknown parameters 110:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 11
Assessing the performance of control charts for detecting previously unexplored shift types in high density spatial data 110:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 13
A consistent data model for different data granularity in control charts 110:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 17
Process quality indices: New metrics for process quality capability with zero-loss baseline 120:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 25
Image based statistical process monitoring via partial first order stochastic dominance 190:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 29
Gradient sampling methods with inexact subproblem solutions and gradient aggregation 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 33
Large-scale datastreams surveillance via pattern-oriented-sampling 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 35
Testing independence under biased sampling 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 37
Laplace estimator of integrated volatility when sampling times are endogenous 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 39
Paired or partially paired two-sample tests with unordered samples 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 41
Efficient sampling and structure learning of Bayesian networks 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 43
Importance sampling with the integrated nested Laplace approximation 210:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 45
Row-column sampling design using auxiliary ranking variables 220:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 47
Calculating sample size for Follmann’s simple multivariate test for one-sided alternatives 240:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 51
Optimal design subsampling from big datasets 290:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 53
A subsampling line-search method with second-order results 290:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 55
Feature screening for massive data analysis by subsampling 290:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 57
Using principles and selected tools of Lean Six Sigma to improve sustainability: A case study 314:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 59
Multivariate Six Sigma: A case study in an outpatient pharmaceutical care unit 314:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 61
A stakeholder view of quality management and CSR through feminist ethics 319:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 63
The importance of information technology to organizational results within the Baldrige Award 343:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 67
Management standards and institutional influence: An exploratory study using the Baldrige criteria 343:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 69
On reading Youden: Learning about the practice of statistics and applied statistical research from a master applied statistician 510:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 71
Finite-sample two-group composite hypothesis testing via machine learning 511:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 75
Risk analysis via generalized Pareto distributions 512:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 77
Leave-one-out kernel density estimates for outlier detection 514:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 79
Analyzing cause-specific mortality trends using compositional functional data analysis 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 81
Variation and covariation in large-scale replication projects: An evaluation of replicability 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 83
Monitoring and root-cause diagnostics of high-dimensional data streams 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 85
Tolerance interval for the exponential distribution with a specified ratio of the tail probabilities and generalizations 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 87
Two-sample tests for multivariate repeated measurements of histogram objects with applications to wearable device data 519:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 91
The case-control approach can be more powerful for matched pair observational studies when the outcome is rare 529:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 99
Analysis of clustered survey data based on two-stage informative sampling and associated two-level models 539:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 101
Managing the waste of over processing in healthcare using accountability through utilization reviews and information technologies 690:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 103
A fresh look at computer vision for industrial quality control 720:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 111
Enhancing risk assessment of manufacturing production process integrating failure modes and sequential fuzzy cognitive map 820:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 115
An integrated failure-censored sampling scheme for lifetime-performance verification and validation under a Weibull distribution 830:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 117
Dynamic maintenance model for a repairable multi-component system using deep reinforcement learning 840:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 123
Opportunistic maintenance model for load sharing k-out-of-n systems with perfect PM and minimal repairs 840:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 127
An improved multiple quality characteristic analysis chart for simultaneous monitoring of process mean and variance of steering knuckle pin for green manufacturing 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 341
Functional regression control chart 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 343
A variable parameters auxiliary information based quality control chart with application in a spring manufacturing process: The Markov chain approach 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 347
A nonparametric CUSUM chart for monitoring multivariate serially correlated processes 111:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 351
A S^2 – GWMA control chart for monitoring the process variability 119:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 353
Building a sample frame of SMEs using patent, search engine and website data 210:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 355
Inference for longitudinal data from complex sampling surveys: An approach based on quadratic inference functions 210:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 357
Inference under pivotal sampling: Properties, variance estimation and application to tesselation for spatial sampling 210:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 359
Correlation-based dynamic sampling for online high dimensional process monitoring 210:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 361
A review of some sampling and aggregation strategies for basic statistical process monitoring 210:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 365
Metropolized knockoff sampling 220:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 367
Type I error inflation of blinded sample size re-estimation in equivalence testing 240:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 371
Sample size determination for stratified Phase II cancer trials with monotone order constraints 240:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 373