Application: 130 (Human resource management)

Title Cat:App Page
Dynamic innovation strategies and stable networks in the construction industry – implanting solar energy projects in the Sydney Olympic Village Bd:130 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 509
Multimedia, information complexity and cognitive processing Bf:130 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 513
Assessing assessments of school performance: The case of California Cz:130 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 537
Cognitive mapping expert views for policy analysis in the public sector Ea:130 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 547
Neglecting disaster: Why don’t people insure against large losses? Ea:130 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 551
Forming virtual teams Bc:130 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 389
Managing learning curves in factories by creating and transferring knowledge Bd:130 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 393
Improving crew scheduling by incorporating key maintenance routing decisions Cc:130 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 403
Online communities Fc:130 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 461
The management of distributed projects across cultures Ad:130 OR/MS / 44 / 3 / 241
Racial integration as an innovation: Empirical evidence from sports leagues Af:130 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 125
The false promise of organizational culture change: A case study of middle managers in grocery retailing Ag:130 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 139
Executives’ orientations as indicators of crisis management policies and practices Az:130 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 147
Interruptive events and team knowledge acquisition Bc:130 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 37
Dynamic nature of trust in virtual teams Bc:130 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 621
The effects of worker learning, forgetting and heterogeneity on assembly line productivity Bf:130 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 629
Learning by doing something else: Variation, relatedness and the learning curve Bf:130 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 631
Helping a victim or helping the victim: Altruism and identifiability Dc:130 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 663
The transfer of experience in groups of organizations: Implications for performance and competition Bb:130 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 503
Creating integrative solutions in conflict episodes Bc:130 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 505
The impact of human resource management practices on operational performance: Recognizing country and industry differences Bd:130 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 513
Behavioral integrity: The perceived alignment between managers’ words and deeds as a research focus Bd:130 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 517
A network model for airline cabin crew scheduling Cc:130 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 537
An evaluation of flexible workday policies in job shops Ba:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 373
Overcoming the dark side of worker flexibility Ba:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 375
Identity regulation as organizational control: Producing the appropriate individual Bc:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 377
Work relationships in telephone call centers: Understanding emotional exhaustion and employee withdrawal Bc:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 379
Nurturing professional growth through cognitive mapping: An Asian multinational manager’s perspective Bf:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 385
Anatomy of the anatomy of racial inequality Bz:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 387
Managing learning and turnover in employee staffing Df:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 417
Close encounters of two kinds: False alarms and dashed hopes Ea:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 433
Framework of effective website design for business-to-consumer internet commerce Fc:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 457
It’s about time: Temporal structuring in organizations Ag:130 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 255
Lessons learned in cross-cultural research of Chinese and North American consumers Bb:130 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 271
Members’ identification with multiple-identity organizations Bd:130 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 273
Mapping management development practice Bf:130 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 275
Optimal consensus of fuzzy opinions under group decision making environment Ea:130 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 321
Fuzzy sets and models of decision making Ec:130 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 329
Global organizational learning effects on cycle time performance Bf:130 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 145
Applying fuzzy logic to personnel assessment: A case study Ec:130 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 203
An elementary introduction to auctions Ef:130 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 211
Human issues in service design Bz:130 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 39
Generational comparison: Xers in the United States and Korea Ag:130 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 619
Group polarization and computer-mediated communication: Effects of communication cues, social presence and anonymity Bc:130 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 623
Complexities and controversies in linking HRM with organizational outcomes Ag:130 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 501
Job rotation as a learning mechanism Bf:130 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 513
Developing virtual environments for industrial training Bf:130 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 515
An objective review of the effectiveness and essential characteristics of performance feedback in organizational settings (1985-1998) Bd:130 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 265
Managerial allocation of time and effort: The effects of interruptions Bz:130 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 271
Flight graph based genetic algorithm for crew scheduling in airlines Ca:130 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 277
Understanding the impact of human resource diversity practices on firm performance Be:130 OR/MS / 42 / 2 / 157
The effects of cognitive style and model type on DSS acceptance: An empirical study Ea:130 OR/MS / 42 / 1 / 63
Do performance plan adoptions improve firm performance? An analysis of nine industries Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 6 / 625
Top management team heterogeneity: Personality, power and proxies Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 6 / 629
The effects of knowledge management systems on emergent teams: Towards a research model Fd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 6 / 687
Gender and culture diversity occurring in self-formed work groups Bc:130 OR/MS / 41 / 5 / 517
Bridging space over time: Global virtual team dynamics and effectiveness Bc:130 OR/MS / 41 / 5 / 521
Layoff policies as a competitive edge Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 5 / 525
Relationality in organizational research: Exploring The Space Between Bz:130 OR/MS / 41 / 5 / 529
Trapped in your own net? Network cohesion, structural holes and the adaptation of social capital Cc:130 OR/MS / 41 / 5 / 539
Capturing group preferences in a multicriteria decision Ea:130 OR/MS / 41 / 5 / 551
Stretching the iron cage: The constitution and implications of routine workplace resistance Ag:130 OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 375
How different are we? An investigation of Confucian values in the United States Ag:130 OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 377
Communication and trust in global virtual teams Bb:130 OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 399
Information systems and occupational stress: A theoretical framework Fa:130 OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 441
Strategy, advanced manufacturing technology and performance: Empirical evidence from US manufacturing firms Af:130 OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 251
Estimating the marginal willingness to pay for commuting Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 277
Waiting: Integrating social and psychological perspectives in operations management Dd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 299
Paradox of coordination and control Ac:130 OR/MS / 41 / 2 / 121
Organizational leadership and authority relations across cultures: Beyond divergence and convergence Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 2 / 143
Using field experiments to test equivalence between auction formats: Magic on the internet Fc:130 OR/MS / 41 / 2 / 209
Capturing learning and applying knowledge: An investigation of the use of innovation teams in Japanese and American automotive firms Bc:130 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 49
Attribute conflict and preference uncertainty: Effects on judgement time and error Ea:130 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 79
Toward a social psychological program for improving focus group methods of developing questionnaires Bc:130 OR/MS / 40 / 6 / 627
How control in human-asset-intensive firms differs from physical-asset-intensive firms: A multi-level approach Bd:130 OR/MS / 40 / 6 / 633
Linking performance measures to resource allocation: exploring unmapped terrain Cd:130 OR/MS / 40 / 6 / 645
Meeting management and group character development Bc:130 OR/MS / 40 / 4 / 393
Holistic customer requirements and the design-select decision Ea:130 OR/MS / 40 / 3 / 301
The reality of user-centered design Ff:130 OR/MS / 40 / 3 / 341
Calibrating hypothetical willingness to pay responses Db:130 OR/MS / 40 / 2 / 179