Application: 130 (Human resource management)

Title Cat:App Page
Capability building in sluggish organizations Ag:130 OR/MS / 64 / 5-6 / 355
Learning to successfully hire in online labor markets Az:130 OR/MS / 64 / 5-6 / 365
Driven to distraction: The unintended consequences of organizational learning from failure caused by human error Bd:130 OR/MS / 64 / 5-6 / 381
Can consumer-posted photos serve as a leading indicator of restaurant survival? Evidence from Yelp Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 5-6 / 423
The square root agreement rule for incentivizing truthful feedback on online platforms Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 5-6 / 427
Augmenting social bot detection with crowd-generated labels Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 5-6 / 431
When is society susceptible to manipulation? Bc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 203
Managing equipment rentals: Unreliable fleet, impatient customers and finite commitment capacity Cd:130 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 211
Social queues (cues): Impact of others’ waiting in line on one’s service time Dd:130 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 237
Skippable ads: Interactive advertising on digital media platforms Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 285
Time-inconsistent preferences and strategic self-control in digital content consumption Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 3-4 / 289
Let them stay or let them go? Online retailer pricing strategy for managing stockouts Dd:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 45
Failures in the communication of risk: Decisions and numeracy Ea:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 53
Reputation inflation Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 73
The market for fake reviews Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 77
Building status in an online community Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 81
Dealing with the social media polycontextuality of work Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 85
Testing for balance in social networks Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 89
Collaborative filtering with awareness of social networks Fc:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 93
Monetary sanctions as chronic and acute health stressors: The emotional strain of people who owe court fines and fees Z:130 OR/MS / 64 / 1-2 / 121
Behavior-based quality discrimination Bc:130 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 369
Do customer emotions affect agent speed? An empirical study of emotional load in online customer contact centers Bd:130 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 371
The Bayesian prophet: A low-regret framework for online decision making Ea:130 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 399
The wisdom of the crowd when acquiring information is costly Fa:130 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 423
Does online training work in retail? Fa:130 OR/MS / 63 / 5-6 / 425
Between home and work: Commuting as an opportunity for role transitions Ba:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 205
A large-scale comparative study of informal social networks in firms Bc:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 209
The psychology of second guesses: Implications for the wisdom of the inner crowd Bc:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 211
Creating exercise habits using incentives: The trade-off between flexibility and routinization Bd:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 213
Team incentives, social cohesion and performance: A natural field experiment Bd:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 217
Shopping activity at warehouse club stores and its competitive and network density implications Cc:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 227
Social media, news consumption and polarization: Evidence from a field experiment Fc:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 261
How stress affects performance and competitiveness across gender Bd:130 OR/MS / 63 / 1-2 / 63
Task selection and workload: A focus on completing easy tasks hurts performance Bd:130 OR/MS / 63 / 1-2 / 67
Last-place aversion in queues Dd:130 OR/MS / 63 / 1-2 / 95
How pair programming influences team performance: The role of backup behavior, shared mental models and task novelty Bc:130 OR/MS / 62 / 5-6 / 365
To wait or not to wait: The theory and practice of ticket queues Dd:130 OR/MS / 62 / 5-6 / 397
Peer effects of corporate social responsibility Az:130 OR/MS / 62 / 3-4 / 181
Whistle blowing, forced CEO turnover and misconduct: The role of socially minded employees and directors Az:130 OR/MS / 62 / 3-4 / 185
Corporate social responsibility and firm risk: Theory and empirical evidence Az:130 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 29
It is time to get some rest Bc:130 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 33
On the emergence of collective psychological ownership in new creative teams Bc:130 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 35
Probabilistic analysis of rumor-spreading time Ee:130 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 99
Internet addiction: When the positive emotions are not so positive Fc:130 OR/MS / 62 / 1-2 / 113
Employee learning from failure: A team-as-resource perspective Bc:130 OR/MS / 61 / 5-6 / 365
Get noticed and die trying: Signals, sacrifice and the production of Face Time in distributed work Bd:130 OR/MS / 61 / 5-6 / 369
When you work with a Superman, will you also fly? An empirical study of the impact of coworkers on performance Bd:130 OR/MS / 61 / 5-6 / 373
The performance measurement trap Bd:130 OR/MS / 61 / 5-6 / 377
Only when others are watching: The contingent efforts of high status group members Bz:130 OR/MS / 61 / 5-6 / 381
Declining job quality in the United States: Explanations and evidence Ag:130 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 183
Customer learning in call centers from previous waiting experiences Bc:130 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 193
The lasting benefits of teams: Tie vitality after teams disband Bc:130 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 197
Severe air pollution and labor productivity: Evidence from two industrial towns in China Bd:130 OR/MS / 61 / 3-4 / 205
Slack time and innovation Af:130 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 19
Starstruck: How hiring high-status employees affects incumbents’ performance Bd:130 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 31
Worker absenteeism: Peer influences, monitoring and job flexibility Bd:130 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 35
Where do stars come from? The role of star vs. nonstar collaborators in creative settings Bd:130 OR/MS / 61 / 1-2 / 39
Investigating the moderating effects of perceived technological change on sales force acceptance Ag:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 353
Gender composition and group confidence judgment: The perils of all-male groups Bz:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 367
Immediate and long-term benefits of in-store return experience Bz:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 371
Managing queuing systems where capacity is random and customers are impatient Dd:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 393
Sentiment manipulation in online platforms: An analysis of movie tweets Eg:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 413
Elite colleges and upward mobility to top jobs and top incomes Ez:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 421
The impact of user personality traits on word of mouth: Text-mining social media platforms Fc:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 437
Channels of impact: User reviews when quality is dynamic and managers respond Fc:130 OR/MS / 60 / 5-6 / 441
When more is less: Field evidence on unintended consequences of multitasking Bc:130 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 201
Noise as signal in learning from rare events Bd:130 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 207
Tasks interrupted: How anticipating time pressure on resumption of an interrupted task causes attention residue and low performance on interrupting tasks and how a “ready-to-resume” plan mitigates the effects Bd:130 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 211
Mandates of dishonesty: The psychological and social costs of mandated attitude expression Bz:130 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 215
Incentives for prosocial behavior: The role of reputations Fc:130 OR/MS / 60 / 3-4 / 263
Social origins of great strategies Af:130 OR/MS / 60 / 1-2 / 31
Smart or diverse start-up teams? Evidence from a field experiment Bc:130 OR/MS / 60 / 1-2 / 49
Why do people give? Testing pure and impure altruism Bc:130 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 385
The effect of calorie posting regulation on consumer opinion: A flexible latent Dirichlet allocation model with informative priors Ea:130 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 471
Lying aversion and the size of the lie Ef:130 OR/MS / 59 / 5-6 / 481
Brand loyalty versus store loyalty: Consumers’ role in determining dependence structure of supplier-retailer dyads Ac:130 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 195
Work-education mismatch: An endogenous theory of professionalization Ba:130 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 209
Gender quotas and the crisis of the mediocre man: Theory and evidence from Sweden Bd:130 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 213
Understanding the inner muse: Integrating the creative self-efficacy literature Bd:130 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 217
Team incentives and performance: Evidence from a retail chain Bd:130 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 221