Category: Ba (Career, family & life interaction)

Title Cat:App Page
Between home and work: Commuting as an opportunity for role transitions Ba:130 OR/MS / 63 / 3-4 / 205
Work-education mismatch: An endogenous theory of professionalization Ba:130 OR/MS / 59 / 3-4 / 209
Promoted up but also out? The unintended consequences of increasing women’s representation in managerial roles in engineering Ba:150 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 45
Gender and negative network ties: Exploring difficult work relationships within and across gender Ba:140 OR/MS / 59 / 1-2 / 49
The new life cycle of women’s employment: Disappearing humps, sagging middles, expanding tops Ba:130 OR/MS / 58 / 3 / 201
Educational mismatch, work outcomes and entry into entrepreneurship Ba:130 OR/MS / 58 / 1-2 / 37
Getting closer at the company party: Integration experiences, racial dissimilarity, and workplace relationships Ba:130 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 49
Organizational change and employee stress Ba:130 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 451
Acquisition premiums, subsequent workforce reductions and post-acquisition performance Ba:130 OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 393
Compressed workweek scheduling with days-off consecutivity, weekend-off frequency and work stretch constraints Ba:100 OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 145
Urban renewal in Asia-Pacific: A comparative analysis of brainports for Sydney and Kuala Lumpur Ba:270 OR/MS / 47 / 6 / 619
Charting the development of emotion recognition from 6 years of age Ba:130 OR/MS / 47 / 5 / 519
Women’s perceptions of organizational culture, work attitudes and role-modeling behaviors Ba:130 OR/MS / 47 / 2 / 153
Tell me why I don’t like Mondays: Investigating day of the week effects on job satisfaction and psychological well-being Ba:130 OR/MS / 47 / 1 / 35
‘Kindergarten cop’: Paternalism and resistance in a high-commitment workplace Ba:130 OR/MS / 46 / 4 / 393
Family communication and children’s purchasing influence: A cross-national examination Ba:100 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 499
An evaluation of flexible workday policies in job shops Ba:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 373
Overcoming the dark side of worker flexibility Ba:130 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 375
Work-family benefits: Which ones maximize profits? Ba:110 OR/MS / 41 / 6 / 621
Should America save for its old age? Fiscal policy, population aging and national saving Ba:230 OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 273
Anti-poverty policy for families in the next century: From welfare to work – and worries Ba:220 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 41