Application: 130 (Human resource management)

Title Cat:App Page
Getting closer at the company party: Integration experiences, racial dissimilarity, and workplace relationships Ba:130 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 49
Ingratiation in the workplace: The role of subordinate and supervisor political skill Bc:130 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 55
Why do I feel valued and why do I contribute? A relational approach to employee’s organization-based self-esteem and job performance Bd:130 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 65
Repairing breaches with rules: Maintaining institutions in the face of everyday disruptions Bz:130 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 69
What happened to long-term employment? The role of worker power and environmental turbulence in explaining declines in worker tenure Af:130 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 433
The structural context of team learning: Effects of organizational and team structure on internal and external learning Bc:130 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 463
Customer-driven misconduct: How competition corrupts business practices Af:130 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 313
Guilt by design: Structuring organizations to elicit guilt as an affective reaction to failure Ag:130 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 317
Egalitarianism, cultural distance, and foreign direct investment: A new approach Ag:130 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 321
Multicommunicating: Juggling multiple conversations in the workplace Bb:130 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 329
Do women choose different jobs from men? Mechanisms of application segregation in the market for managerial workers Bc:130 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 333
Is pay for performance detrimental to innovation? Af:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 187
Social stratification and out-of-school learning Ag:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 199
Overcoming resistance to organizational change: Strong ties and affective cooptation Ag:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 203
Knowledge recombination across technological boundaries: Scientists vs. engineers Bb:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 209
Teams make you smarter: How exposure to teams improves individual decisions in probability and reasoning tasks Bc:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 213
Competitive incentives: Working harder or working smarter? Bd:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 217
Measuring the effect of queues on customer purchases Dd:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 227
The influence of user affect in online information disclosure Fc:130 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 265
How costly Is diversity? Affirmative action in light of gender differences in competitiveness Az:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 43
Double victimization in the workplace: Why observers condemn passive victims of sexual harassment Bc:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 47
Speaking up vs. being heard: The disagreement around and outcomes of employee voice Bd:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 53
The microevolution of routines: How problem solving and social preferences interact Bz:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 59
Love, hate, ambivalence, or indifference? A conceptual examination of workplace crimes and organizational identification Bz:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 63
Benefit availability and usage: Examination of independent and interactive effects Ea:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 97
Adaptive smoothed functional algorithms for optimal staffing levels in service systems Ed:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 107
Social network effects on productivity and job security: Evidence from the adoption of a social networking tool Fc:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 125
The association between the disclosure and the realization of information security risk factors Fc:130 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 127
The end of cheap Chinese labor Ag:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 453
Does movement of inventors between companies affect their productivity? Ag:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 455
High performance work systems and psychological contract violations Ag:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 457
Examining the stability and variability of routine performances: The effects of experience and context change Bd:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 485
Observer error when measuring safety-related behavior: Momentary time sampling versus whole-interval recording Bd:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 489
A goal-setting and feedback intervention to increase ID- checking behavior: An assessment of social validity and behavioral impact Bf:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 491
The effects of safety discrimination training and frequent safety observations on safety related behavior Bz:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 495
Self-fulfilling risk panics Ef:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 537
A typology of people-environment relationships in the digital age Fc:130 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 555
Resisters at work: Generating productive resistance in the workplace Bc:130 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 327
The division of gains from complementarities in human- capital-intensive activity Bd:130 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 335
How golden parachutes unfolded: Diffusion and variation of a controversial practice Be:130 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 337
Learning, imitation, and the use of knowledge: A comparison of markets, hierarchies, and teams Ag:130 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 197
Modeling the influence of trust on work team performance Bc:130 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 207
Transcending knowledge differences in cross-functional teams Bc:130 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 211
Quantifying managerial ability: A new measure and validity tests Bd:130 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 219
Public opinion and executive compensation Bz:130 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 221
How does social software change knowledge management? Toward a strategic research agenda Fd:130 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 261
Effects of culture and structure on strategic flexibility during business model innovation Ag:130 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 29
A study of the relationship between work values and creativities across generations Bc:130 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 55
Exploring the role of touch and apologies in forgiveness of workplace offenses Bc:130 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 59
Typology of the eight domains of discretion in organizations Bz:130 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 67
University patenting: Patterns of faculty motivations Af:130 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 437
Organizational change and employee stress Ba:130 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 451
Estimating the implied value of the customer’s waiting time Bc:130 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 453
The effect of team-based learning on student attitudes and satisfaction Bf:130 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 465
The experience of alienation among temporary workers in high-skill jobs: A qualitative analysis of temporary firefighters Bc:130 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 341
How riskily do I invest? The role of risk attitudes, risk perceptions, and overconfidence Ef:130 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 383
Discovery and analysis of tightly knit communities in telecom social networks Fc:130 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 393
Alliances, rivalry, and firm performance in enterprise systems software markets: A social network approach Ag:130 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 203
What makes them tick? Employee motives and firm innovation Bd:130 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 223
Supplier innovativeness, organizational learning styles and manufacturer performance: An empirical assessment Ah:130 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 49
An experimental test of advice and social learning Bc:130 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 57
Freedom of privacy: Anonymous data collection with respondent-defined privacy protection Fc:130 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 137
Market segmentation from a behavioral perspective Af:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 433
Building long term orientation in buyer–supplier relationships: The moderating role of culture Ag:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 445
Does relationship learning lead to relationship value? A cross- national supply chain investigation Ah:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 453
To share or not to share? Professional norms, reference groups, and information withholding among life scientists Bc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 465
A critical examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership Bd:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 469
Beyond buying: Motivations behind consumers’ online shopping cart use Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 525
A proposed model of online consumer behavior: Assessing the role of gender Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 529
Website spill over to email campaigns: The role of privacy, trust and shoppers’ attitudes Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 533
Customer behavior in electronic commerce: The moderating effect of e-purchasing experience Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 537
Trust considerations on attitudes towards online purchasing: The moderating effect of privacy and security concerns Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 541
Product returns on the Internet: A case of mixed signals? Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 545
How corporate reputation, quality, and value influence online loyalty Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 549
Web aesthetics effects on perceived online service quality and satisfaction in an e-tail environment: The moderating role of purchase task Fc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 553
Multilevel social dynamics considerations for project management decision makers: Antecedents and implications of group member tie development Ad:130 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 309
Organizational justice and individuals’ withdrawal: Unlocking the influence of emotional exhaustion Bc:130 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 343
Work ethic: Do new employees mean new work values? Bd:130 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 345
Encouraging social innovation in global organizations: Integrating planned and emergent approaches Bz:130 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 347
Risk aversion and physical prowess: Prediction, choice and bias Ef:130 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 385