Staffing call centers with uncertain demand forecasts: A chance-constrained optimization approach |
Cd:120 |
OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 73 |
Reliable facility location design under the risk of disruptions |
Ef:120 |
OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 117 |
Mitigating supply risk: Dual sourcing or process improvement? |
Ef:120 |
OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 121 |
Strategic interdependence, governance effectiveness and supplier performance: A dyadic case study investigation and theory development |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 447 |
The strategic decision of forest industry supply chains |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 451 |
Applied Materials uses operations research to design its service and parts network |
Dz:120 |
OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 373 |
Risk uncertainty and supply chain decisions: A real options perspective |
Ef:120 |
OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 381 |
Locating facilities in the presence of disruptions and incomplete information |
Ea:120 |
OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 535 |
Applying ant system for solving unequal area facility layout problems |
Cd:120 |
OR/MS / 50 / 4 / 351 |
An integrated outbound logistics model for Frito-Lay: Coordinating aggregate-level production and distribution decisions |
Ea:120 |
OR/MS / 50 / 3 / 261 |
Facility location and supply chain management – A review |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 39 |
A new approximative algorithm for the expansion problem of 3G networks |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 75 |
RFQ auctions with supplier qualification screening |
Ef:120 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 125 |
Item-level RFID in the retail supply chain |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 35 |
Assessing the impact of RFID on return center logistics |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 39 |
Optimizing the landslide operation of a container terminal |
Cg:120 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 85 |
Operations research at container terminals: A literature update |
Cg:120 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 89 |
Optimal retailer’s inventory policy under two-level trade credit and two-level storage |
Ed:120 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 113 |
Telecommunication liberalization and economic development in European countries in transition, Darko Dvornik and Dubravko Sabolic |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 48 / 6 / 563 |
The optimal number of suppliers considering the costs of individual supplier and failures |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 389 |
Enhancing product recovery value in closed-loop supply chains with RFID |
Az:120 |
OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 391 |
Buyer vendor coordination models in supply chain management |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 48 / 1 / 23 |
Performance measurement for inventory routing |
Dd:120 |
OR/MS / 48 / 1 / 57 |
Risk aversion, road choice and the one-armed bandit problem |
Ef:120 |
OR/MS / 48 / 1 / 73 |
Logistics service providers in internet supply chains |
Fc:120 |
OR/MS / 48 / 1 / 81 |
Heuristic algorithms for visiting the customers in a rolling schedule environment |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 47 / 5 / 543 |
Inbound logistic planning: minimizing transportation and inventory cost |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 47 / 4 / 373 |
A general model for the undesirable single facility location problem |
Cd:120 |
OR/MS / 47 / 4 / 423 |
Optimal policies for transshipping inventory in a retail network |
Cd:120 |
OR/MS / 47 / 2 / 171 |
Combining path relinking and genetic algorithms for the multiple-level warehouse layout problem |
Ca:120 |
OR/MS / 47 / 1 / 43 |
Routing for a just-in-time supply pickup and delivery system |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 47 / 1 / 49 |
Reverse channel design: The case of competing retailers |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 6 / 621 |
System-optimal routing of traffic flows with user constraints in networks with congestion |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 6 / 641 |
Combining path relinking and genetic algorithms for the multiple-level warehouse layout problem |
Ca:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 5 / 521 |
Modelling corporate wireless security and privacy |
Fc:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 5 / 579 |
Build-to-order supply chain management: A literature review and framework for development |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 4 / 387 |
Development and validation of a measurement instrument for studying supply chain management practices |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 3 / 263 |
The single-node dynamic service scheduling and dispatching problem |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 3 / 293 |
Reliability models for facility location: The expected failure cost case |
Ee:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 2 / 189 |
Analyzing bioterror response logistics: The case of anthrax |
Z:120 |
OR/MS / 46 / 2 / 223 |
A descriptive analysis of discrete US industrial complexes |
Af:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 619 |
Decentralized supply chains with competing retailers under demand uncertainty |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 637 |
A continuous model for multistore competitive location |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 639 |
Managing disruption risks in supply chains |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 641 |
Hub-spoke network choice under competition with an application to Western Europe |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 649 |
Dilemmas in factory design: Paradox and paradigm |
Cd:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 651 |
Solving a time-space network formulation for the convoy movement problem |
Cg:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 655 |
Competition in multiechelon assembly supply chains |
Dc:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 659 |
A periodic inventory routing problem at a supermarket chain |
Ed:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 685 |
Distributed monitoring and control of office buildings by embedded agents |
Fa:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 6 / 691 |
Strategic purchasing, supply management and firm performance |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 5 / 505 |
Meta-heuristics for a class of demand-responsive transit systems |
Cg:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 5 / 543 |
Statistical analysis of a telephone call center: A queuing-science perspective |
Dd:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 5 / 547 |
Heuristic method for a mixed capacitated are routing problem: A refuse collection application |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 3 / 287 |
A crane scheduling method for port container terminals |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 2 / 149 |
A short and mean-term automatic forecasting system – application to textile logistics |
Eb:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 2 / 183 |
Strategic management of spare parts in closed-loop supply chains – A system dynamics approach |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 25 |
The challenge of closed-loop supply chains |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 29 |
Real-time multivehicle truckload pickup and delivery problems |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 47 |
UPS optimizes its air network |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 51 |
Optimization of logistic and manufacturing systems through simulation: A colored Petri net-based methodology |
Cd:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 55 |
Modelling force deployments from Army installations using the transportation system capability (TRANSCAP) model: A standardized approach |
Dc:120 |
OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 61 |
Ship routing and scheduling: Status and perspectives |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 44 / 6 / 645 |
A route-directed hybrid genetic approach for the vehicle routing problem with time windows |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 44 / 6 / 649 |
Fleet sizing and vehicle routing for container transportation in a static environment |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 525 |
Traffic knowledge management policy |
Cc:120 |
OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 639 |
Outsourcing logistics: Designing transportation contracts between a manufacturer and a transporter |
Cg:120 |
OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 655 |
An integrated system solution for supply chain optimization in the chemical process industry |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 369 |
Locating a waste treatment facility by using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis with ordinal criteria |
Cb:120 |
OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 287 |
A decentralized, smart market solution to a class of back-haul transportation problems: Concept and experimental test beds |
Cg:120 |
OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 299 |
Operational planning of district heating and cooling plants through genetic algorithms for mixed 0-1 linear programming |
Ca:120 |
OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 41 |
Stock wars: Inventory competition in a two-echelon supply chain with multiple retailers |
Dd:120 |
OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 657 |
Stochastic inventory systems in a supply chain with asymmetric information: Cycle stocks, safety stocks and consignment stock |
Dd:120 |
OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 659 |
Extended-enterprise supply-chain management at IBM Personal Systems Group and other divisions |
Ah:120 |
OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 397 |
Strategic outsourcing through specifications |
Dz:120 |
OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 433 |
A multi-objective approach to simultaneous strategic and operational planning in supply chain design |
Ea:120 |
OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 437 |
Toward re-engineering models and algorithms of facility layout |
Cz:120 |
OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 289 |
Warehouse design and control: Framework and literature review |
Cz:120 |
OR/MS / 41 / 2 / 159 |