OR/MS / Volume 60 / Issue 1-2

Title Cat:App Page
How To Use This Journal 1
Classification Code Structure 3
Journal List 5
Can emerging markets tilt global product design? Impacts of Chinese colorism on Hollywood castings Ab:170 11
Showrooming and webrooming: Information externalities between online and offline sellers Ac:140 15
Absence-neglect and the origins of great strategies Af:100 19
Does platform owner’s entry crowd out innovation? Evidence from Google photos Af:100 23
The cognitive foundations of visionary strategy Af:100 27
Social origins of great strategies Af:130 31
Helping merchants to assess the profitability of deal-of-the-day promotions Af:140 33
Selling your product through competitors’ outlets: Channel strategy when consumers comparison shop Af:140 37
Why great strategies spring from identity movements Af:270 41
Inventory management in a consumer electronics closed-loop supply chain Ah:120 45
Smart or diverse start-up teams? Evidence from a field experiment Bc:130 49
Effects of online recommendations on consumers’ willingness to pay Bc:140 53
Behavior-based advertising Bc:140 57
Some customers would rather leave without saying goodbye Bc:140 61
When waiting to see a doctor is less irritating: Understanding patient preferences and choice behavior in appointment scheduling Cc:220 65
Optimal rebate strategies under dynamic pricing Da:110 69
Replenishment strategies for micro-retailers in developing countries Ed:100 73
Hereafter: How crises shape communities through learning and institutional legacies Ef:100 77
Are risk preferences stable? Ef:100 83
When customers anticipate liquidation sales: Managing operations under financial distress Ef:140 87
Does online word of mouth increase demand? (And how?) Evidence from a natural experiment Ez:140 91
Consumer choice and market outcomes under ambiguity in product quality Ez:140 95
The value of weather information for e-commerce operations Fc:100 99
An optimization web service for a freight brokering system Fc:120 103
Does offline TV advertising affect online chatter? Quasi-experimental analysis using synthetic control Fc:140 107
Consumer price search and platform design in internet commerce Fc:140 113
On direct vs. indirect peer influence in large social networks Fc:140 117
Changing their tune: How consumers’ adoption of online streaming affects music consumption and discovery Fc:140 121
Advertising to early trend propagators: Evidence from Twitter Fc:140 125
Competition and crowd-out for brand keywords in sponsored search Fc:140 129
Journal Contents 133