OR/MS / Volume 64 / Issue 5-6

Title Cat:App Page
The emergence of novel product uses: An investigation of exaptations in IKEA hacks Af:100 341
Frontiers: Framing price increase as discount: A new manipulation of reference price Af:110 345
Rapidly evolving technologies and startup exits Af:170 347
The hidden costs and benefits of monitoring in the gig economy Ag:100 351
Capability building in sluggish organizations Ag:130 355
Designing supply chain strategies against epidemic outbreaks such as COVID-19: Review and future research directions Ah:120 359
Supply chain challenges in the post-Covid Era Ah:220 361
Learning to successfully hire in online labor markets Az:130 365
The effects of COVID-19 on US small businesses: Evidence from owners, managers and employees Az:220 369
Merck Animal Health uses operations research methods to transform biomanufacturing productivity for lifesaving medicines Az:220 373
Self-regulation and external influence: The relative efficacy of mobile apps and offline channels for personal weight management Bc:220 377
Driven to distraction: The unintended consequences of organizational learning from failure caused by human error Bd:130 381
Bridging the Gap: Evidence from the return migration of African scientists Be:220 383
Fleet sizing and service region partitioning for same-day delivery systems Cc:250 387
Impact of autonomous vehicle assisted last-mile delivery in urban to rural settings Cc:250 389
The electric vehicle routing problem with capacitated charging stations Cc:250 391
A fluid model of an electric vehicle charging network Cg:240 395
Promoting electric vehicles: Reducing charging inconvenience and price via station and consumer subsidies Cg:250 399
Adoption of FasTrak on San Francisco Bay area bridges: Impact of operations research models in relieving congestion Cg:250 403
Green at source: An empirical examination of the effectiveness and sustainability of operational-level environmental management practices in U.S. industry Db:240 407
A practical end-to-end inventory management model with deep learning Dd:140 411
Estimating life cycle sales of technology products with frequent repeat purchases: A fractional calculus-based approach Eb:190 415
Bayer new drug development decision making Eb:220 419
The road not taken: Technological uncertainty and the evaluation of innovations Ef:100 421
Can consumer-posted photos serve as a leading indicator of restaurant survival? Evidence from Yelp Fc:130 423
The square root agreement rule for incentivizing truthful feedback on online platforms Fc:130 427
Augmenting social bot detection with crowd-generated labels Fc:130 431
Influence maximization with latency requirements on social networks Fc:140 435
Dynamic pricing with online reviews Fc:140 437
Uncovering synergy and dysergy in consumer reviews: A machine learning approach Fc:140 441
The consequences of rating inflation on platforms: Evidence from a quasi-experiment Fc:140 447
Frontiers: Spilling the beans on political consumerism: Do social media boycotts and buycotts translate to real sales impact? Fc:270 451
Journal Contents 455
Subject Index 505
Author Index 507