Application: 140 (Marketing & new product introduction)

Title Cat:App Page
Website quality and customer’s behavioral intention: An exploratory study of the role of information asymmetry Fc:140 OR/MS / 45 / 5 / 571
Stealth marketing: How to reach consumers surreptitiously Bc:140 OR/MS / 45 / 4 / 389
Attribute beliefs and spending as antecedents to shopping value Bz:140 OR/MS / 45 / 4 / 393
Price discounts or coupon promotions: Does it matter? Db:140 OR/MS / 45 / 4 / 411
Proprietary versus internet technologies and the adoption and impact of electronic marketplaces Fc:140 OR/MS / 45 / 4 / 455
Modeling browsing behavior at multiple websites Fc:140 OR/MS / 45 / 4 / 457
On explaining performance differentials – Marketing and the managerial theory of the firm Az:140 OR/MS / 45 / 2 / 135
Simulation and optimization of logistic and production systems using discrete and continuous Petri nets Cd:140 OR/MS / 45 / 2 / 163
The role of online buying experience as a competitive advantage: Evidence from third-party ratings for e-commerce firms Fc:140 OR/MS / 45 / 2 / 219
The cycles of corporate branding: The case of the Lego Company Af:140 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 21
Using an artificial neural network trained with a genetic algorithm to model brand share Fb:140 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 97
A typology of online shoppers based on shopping motivations Fc:140 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 99
Does animation attract online users’ attention? The effects of flash on information search performance and perceptions Fc:140 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 101
Sustainable pioneering advantage? Profit implications of market entry order Af:140 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 487
Price-tier competition: Distinguishing between interior competition and intratier competition Az:140 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 499
Bayesian statistics and marketing Ee:140 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 561
Efficient and anonymous web-usage mining for web personalization Fc:140 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 573
Approximate solutions for a stochastic lot-sizing problem with partial customer-order information Cb:140 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 399
When good news about your rival is good for you: The effect of third-party information on the division of channel profits Db:140 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 421
Using advance purchase orders to forecast new product sales Eb:140 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 441
Designing a better shopbot Fa:140 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 457
Scheduling banner advertisements on the web Fc:140 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 463
Norms and power in market relationships: Alternative theories and empirical evidence Db:140 OR/MS / 44 / 3 / 281
Group buying on the web: A comparison of price-discovery mechanisms Fc:140 OR/MS / 44 / 3 / 321
Consumer preferences for food irradiation: How favorable and unfavorable descriptions affect preferences for irradiated pork in experimental auctions Bc:140 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 151
The product-specific nature of impulse buying tendency Bz:140 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 155
Competitive advantage through e-operations Fc:140 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 193
Examination of brand knowledge, perceived risk and consumers’ intention to adopt an online retailer Fc:140 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 197
Negative effect: The dark side of retailing Bz:140 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 41
Spanning the continuum between marketing and operations Ag:140 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 611
Supply chains and compatibility among components in product design Ah:140 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 613
Pricing retail services Db:140 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 659
A Bayesian model for prelaunch sales forecasting of recorded music Eb:140 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 675
Breaking through the clutter: Benefits of advertisement originality and familiarity for brand attention and memory Bc:140 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 509
An integrated operations performance metric Bd:140 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 381
Pricing access services Df:140 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 421
Pricing of information products on online servers: Issues, models and analysis Ea:140 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 435
Marketing productivity: Issues and analysis Af:140 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 247
Marketing productivity, marketing audits and systems for marketing performance assessment: Integrating multiple perspectives Af:140 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 127
Why customers stay: Measuring the underlying dimensions of services switching costs and managing their differential strategic outcomes Bz:140 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 149
Near-optimal pricing and replenishment strategies for a retail/distribution system Cd:140 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 165
Consistent assortment provision and service provision in a retail environment Cz:140 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 177
A simulation-based approach to understanding the dynamics of innovation implementation Af:140 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 17
Marketing: A critical realist approach Az:140 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 23
Bridging the marketing theory-practice gap with marketing engineering Az:140 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 25
Should marketing be cross-functional? Conceptual development and international empirical evidence Db:140 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 57
Technology selection and commitment in new product development: The role of uncertainty and design flexibility Ef:140 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 83
Incumbent entry into new market niches: The role of experience and managerial choice in the creation of dynamic capabilities Af:140 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 609
Cross-cultural retailing research: A comparison of shopping experiences in Estonia and Canada Ab:140 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 483
Leadership for effective supply chain partnership Ah:140 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 505
Thirty years of conjoint analysis: Reflections and prospects Ee:140 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 557
Effective design of products/services: An approach based on integration of marketing and operations management decision Ag:140 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 373
The indirect effects of organizational controls on salesperson performance and customer orientation Az:140 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 383
Environmental background music and in-store selling Bc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 389
Learning and forgetting: Modeling optimal product sampling over time Bz:140 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 393
Conceptual and operational aspects of brand loyalty: An empirical investigation Bz:140 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 399
Securing e-business applications using smart cards Fc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 445
Electronic tickets, smart cards and online prepayments: When and how to advance sell Fc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 447
Are sale signs less effective when more products have them? Af:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 245
Promotions and the pattern of grocery shopping time Bc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 259
Background music pleasure and store evaluation: Intensity effects and psychological mechanisms Bc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 261
A study of life events and changes in patronage preferences Bz:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 275
Sales-force decision models: Insights from 25 years of implementation Ea:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 315
Atmospheric qualities of online retailing: A conceptual model and implications Fc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 333
Uncovering patterns in cybershopping Fc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 335
DIRECTV: Forecasting diffusion of a new technology prior to product launch Ff:140 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 341
The Microsoft case: What can a dominant firm do to defend its market position? Af:140 OR/MS / 42 / 2 / 125
Information gatekeepers on the internet and the competitiveness of homogeneous product market Fc:140 OR/MS / 42 / 2 / 209
Eye fixations on advertisements and memory for brands: A model and findings Db:140 OR/MS / 42 / 1 / 55
Information privacy and marketing: What the US should (and shouldn’t) learn from Europe Fd:140 OR/MS / 42 / 1 / 93
On risk, convenience and internet shopping behavior Fc:140 OR/MS / 41 / 6 / 681
E-retail: Gold rush or fool’s gold? Fc:140 OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 335
Frictionless commerce? A comparison of internet and conventional retailers Fc:140 OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 339
Inventory policy for dense retail outlets Dd:140 OR/MS / 41 / 2 / 169
Challenges of managing the development of breakthrough products in Japan Af:140 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 23
Threats to new product manufacturability and the effects of development team integration processes Af:140 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 27
Strategies of effective new product team leaders Bb:140 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 45
Marketing and operations research: A literature survey Cz:140 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 65
Customer satisfaction cues to support market segmentation and explain switching behavior Eb:140 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 85
Bundling information goods: Pricing, profits and efficiency Fz:140 OR/MS / 41 / 1 / 107