Application: 140 (Marketing & new product introduction)

Title Cat:App Page
The impact of guanxi on ethical perceptions: The case of Taiwanese salespeople Az:140 OR/MS / 55 / 4 / 335
Using strategic idleness to improve customer service experience in service networks Cd:140 OR/MS / 55 / 4 / 357
Price competition with consumer confusion Dz:140 OR/MS / 55 / 4 / 369
Optimal uniform pricing strategy of a service firm when facing two classes of customers Ez:140 OR/MS / 55 / 4 / 387
The service revolution and the transformation of marketing science Az:140 OR/MS / 55 / 3 / 217
Authenticity and consumer value ratings: Empirical tests from the restaurant domain Bc:140 OR/MS / 55 / 3 / 221
Are consumers hesitant to purchase national brands manufactured in other countries? Ag:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 39
The use of video modeling, prompting, and feedback to increase credit card promotion in a retail setting Bc:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 59
A note on optimal selling to asymmetric retailers Cd:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 87
Optimizing retail assortments Cd:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 91
Conspicuous consumption and dynamic pricing Da:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 113
The dynamic advertising effect of collegiate athletics Db:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 117
The retail planning problem under demand uncertainty Ef:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 139
Promotional marketing or word-of-mouth? Evidence from online restaurant reviews Fc:140 OR/MS / 55 / 1-2 / 145
When do markets tip? A cognitive hierarchy approach Af:140 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 437
Cheap-talk advertising and misrepresentation in vertically differentiated markets Ag:140 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 445
Complementary goods: Creating, capturing and competing for value Az:140 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 459
Economic value of celebrity endorsements: Tiger Woods’ impact on sales of Nike golf balls Bc:140 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 467
Consumer price sensitivity in retail industry: Latitude of acceptance with heterogeneous demand Db:140 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 499
The effects of rewarding user engagement: The case of Facebook apps Fc:140 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 545
The role of search engine optimization in search marketing Fc:140 OR/MS / 54 / 5-6 / 549
National brand’s response to store brands: Throw in the towel or fight back? Ag:140 OR/MS / 54 / 4 / 325
Differentiate or imitate? The role of context-dependent preferences Ag:140 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 207
Managing strategic inventories via manufacturer-to-consumer rebates Ed:140 OR/MS / 54 / 3 / 245
A model of the “it” products in fashion Bc:140 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 51
Modeling consumer learning from online product reviews Bz:140 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 67
Discovery of online shopping patterns across websites Fc:140 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 131
When social media can be bad for you: Community feedback stifles consumer creativity and reduces satisfaction with self-designed products Fc:140 OR/MS / 54 / 1-2 / 133
Can brand extension signal product quality? Ab:140 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 431
The effects of Six Sigma on corporate performance: An empirical investigation Ab:140 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 433
Consumer mental accounts and implications to selling base products and add-ons Bc:140 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 467
An empirical study of word-of-mouth generation and consumption Bc:140 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 471
A sales forecast model for short-life-cycle products: New releases at Blockbuster Eb:140 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 521
Competition and coordination in online marketplaces Fc:140 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 557
Testing models of consumer search using data on web browsing and purchasing behavior Fc:140 OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 561
Advance selling when consumers regret Bc:140 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 329
Early sales of seasonal products with weather-conditional rebates Bc:140 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 331
Optimal advertising control policy for a new product with dynamic potential adopter population in segmented market Cd:140 OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 349
Key factors in the market for remanufactured products Af:140 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 189
Consumer learning of new binary attribute importance accounting for priors, bias, and order affects Bc:140 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 215
Optimal algorithms for assortment selection under ranking-based consumer choice models Cd:140 OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 237
Brand equity of luxury fashion brands among Chinese and US young female consumers Ag:140 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 33
The hidden information content of price movements Dz:140 OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 95
From innovation to market entry: A strategic management model for new technologies Af:140 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 439
In-store music and aroma influences on shopper behavior and satisfaction Bc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 455
Retail shopping typology of American teens Bz:140 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 469
Testing to prevent bad translation: Brand name conversions in Chinese-English contexts Bz:140 OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 471
Brand misconduct: Consequences on consumer-brand relationships Ab:140 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 309
Leadtime-variety tradeoff in product differentiation Ag:140 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 325
Adolescent consumption autonomy: A cross-cultural examination Bc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 343
When does electronic word-of-mouth matter? A study of consumer product reviews Fc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 395
Let’s shop online together: An empirical investigation of collaborative online shopping support Fc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 397
Life after death? Analyzing post-defection consumer brand equity Af:140 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 201
Predicting the next big thing: Success as a signal of poor judgment Ag:140 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 205
Looking more or less alike: Determinants of perceived visual similarity between copycat and leading brands Bc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 221
Multicriterion market segmentation: A new model, implementation, and evaluation Cb:140 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 227
Inventory and sales effort management under unobservable lost sales Ed:140 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 257
Technology usage and online sales: An empirical study Fc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 271
Strategies to fight ad-sponsored rivals Af:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 19
Strategic entry before demand takes off Ag:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 29
Deal or no deal: Hormones and the mergers and acquisitions game Ag:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 31
Why are bad products so hard to kill? Ag:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 33
Does a manufacturer benefit from selling to a better-forecasting retailer? Ah:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 53
Culture clash: The costs and benefits of homogeneity Bc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 61
Why bundle discounts can be a profitable alternative to competing on price promotions Dz:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 101
Pricing, frills and customer ratings Dz:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 103
Promises and perils of internet based networking Fc:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 139
Complementarities and the demand for home broadband internet services Fd:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 143
The effect of signal quality and contiguous word of mouth on customer acquisition for a video-on-demand service Fd:140 OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 145
Improving new-product forecasting at Intel Corporation Eb:140 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 493
How do people value extended warranties? Evidence from two field survey Ef:140 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 509
Buying while expecting to sell: The economic psychology of online resale Fc:140 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 557
A novel DRM framework for peer-to-peer music content delivery Fc:140 OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 561
Demand switching criteria for multiple products: An inventory cost analysis Ed:140 OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 375
How many people do you know? Efficiently estimating personal network size Bb:140 OR/MS / 51 / 1-2 / 49
Empirical studies in consumer behavior analysis: The effects of a point-of-purchase display on relative sales: An in-store experimental evaluation Bc:140 OR/MS / 51 / 1-2 / 53
In-store experimental approach to pricing and consumer behavior Bc:140 OR/MS / 51 / 1-2 / 57
So what if remanufacturing cannibalizes my new product sales? Af:140 OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 433
The impact of illegal peer-to-peer file sharing on the media industry Ag:140 OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 455
Supply chain sourcing in remanufacturing operations: An empirical investigation of remake versus buy Ah:140 OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 467