Application: B (Biometrics & Medicine)

Title Cat:App Page
Making hospitals more transparent 319:B QCAS / 49 / 2 / 155
FMEA – The cure for medical errors 820:B QCAS / 49 / 1 / 105
Sustaining healthcare excellence through performance measurement 334:B QCAS / 48 / 6 / 637
Relationships among quality management, IS use and organizational performance in the health care and non-health care setting 650:B QCAS / 48 / 4 / 453
Are nonrespondents to health surveys less healthy than respondents? 230:B QCAS / 48 / 3 / 261
Benchmarking in Italy: The first case study on personnel motivation and satisfaction in a health business 324:B QCAS / 48 / 3 / 269
TQM adoption by hospitals in Taiwan 410:B QCAS / 48 / 3 / 287
A hospital case study supporting workforce culture re-engineering 430:B QCAS / 48 / 2 / 179
Sample size for testing a proportion in clinical trials: A “two-step” procedure combining power and confidence interval expected width 240:B QCAS / 47 / 6 / 633
Reality check: The identification of service gaps in the NHS 790:B QCAS / 47 / 4 / 449
Continuous quality improvement in small general medical practices: The attitudes of general practitioners and other practice staff 319:B QCAS / 47 / 3 / 275
Completing the audit cycle: The outcomes of audits in mental health services 341:B QCAS / 47 / 2 / 147
Satisfied customers: Profitable customer relationships: Pharmaceutical marketing: How pharmaceutical sales representatives can achieve economic success through relationship management with settled general practitioners – An empirical study 350:B QCAS / 47 / 1 / 45
The EFQM excellence model: German experiences with the EFQM approach in health care 410:B QCAS / 47 / 1 / 61
Judging goodness must come before judging quality – but what is the good of health care? 319:B QCAS / 46 / 6 / 625
Patient satisfaction and priority setting in ambulatory health care 350:B QCAS / 46 / 6 / 635
Quality management and business performance in hospitals: A search for success parameters 410:B QCAS / 46 / 6 / 651
The need for the introduction of quality management into Greek health care 410:B QCAS / 46 / 5 / 527
Fitting population dynamics models to count and cull data using sequential importance sampling 210:B QCAS / 46 / 3 / 253
Between evidence-based practice and total quality management: The implementation of cost-effective care 670:B QCAS / 46 / 3 / 329
Defining and measuring quality of care: A perspective from US researchers 690:B QCAS / 46 / 3 / 335
The conceptual domain of service quality for inpatient nursing services 670:B QCAS / 46 / 2 / 213
Methods of measuring health care service quality 670:B QCAS / 46 / 2 / 215
Quality assurance: The measure of quality culture in a managed care setting 710:B QCAS / 45 / 5 / 583
A synthesis of quality function deployment and robust design and its application in the medical device industry 323:B QCAS / 45 / 3 / 263
Total quality management in nonprofit secondary health care 310:B QCAS / 45 / 2 / 137
Diffusion of a quality improvement program among allied health professionals 319:B QCAS / 45 / 2 / 153
A synthesis of quality function deployment and robust design and its application in the medical device industry 323:B QCAS / 45 / 2 / 155
Quality management in Australian emergency medicine: Translation of theory into practice 410:B QCAS / 45 / 2 / 169
An economic model for clinical quality control 440:B QCAS / 45 / 2 / 189