QCAS / Volume 47 / Issue 3

Title Cat:App Page
Nonparametric control charts: An overview and some results 111:Y 241
CUSUM charts for monitoring an autocorrelated process 111:Y 245
Statistical process control procedure for controlling moisture content in tobacco 111:Z 249
Economic design of X&#772 charts with variable parameters: The Markov chain approach 113:Y 251
Some new classroom cases for teaching statistical quality control methods 190:T 255
The multivariate short-run snapshot Q chart 190:Y 257
Consistency of semiparametric maximum likelihood estimators for two-phase sampling 210:Y 259
Nonresponse in US government household surveys: Consistent measures, recent trends and new insights 230:Y 265
Some practical guidelines for effective sample size determination 240:Y 269
Total quality management and theory: An exploratory study of contribution 310:Y 271
Kaizen, ethics and care of the operations: Management after empowerment 311:Y 273
Continuous quality improvement in small general medical practices: The attitudes of general practitioners and other practice staff 319:B 275
From continuous improvement to continuous innovation 319:Y 277
Quality function deployment: An empirical study in the UK 323:Y 281
Quality training: Needs and evaluation – findings from European survey 331:T 283
Ex oriente lux?: National and multiple accreditation in Europe after the fall of the Wall and after Bologna 331:Y 285
Teamwork quality and the success of innovative projects: A theoretical concept and empirical evidence 332:Y 287
Measuring leadership excellence 333:Y 291
10 steps to Baldrige Award application 343:Y 295
Quality practices and customer/supplier management in Australian service organizations 350:S 299
Process management and supply-chain integration at the Bose Corporation 351:M 301
Accreditation: The new quality assurance formula? Some reflections as Norway is about to reform its quality assurance system 400:Y 305
Total quality management critical success factors, a comparison: The UK versus the USA 410:Y 309
An empirical study of key elements of total quality-based performance measurement systems: A case study approach in the service industry sector 410:Y 311
Selecting the best population in comparison with a control: The normal case with common unknown variance 512:Y 313
Making low probability useful 517:Y 317
Optimal exact experimental designs with correlated errors through a simulated annealing algorithm 520:Y 319
Randomized complete block designs in industrial studies 522:Y 323
IPOs and product quality 610:Y 325
Challenges and strategies for improving the quality of information in a university setting: A case study 650:T 327
The impact of time-based manufacturing practices on mass customization and value to customer 660:M 331
Cutting corners and working overtime: Quality erosion in the service industry 670:S 335
An industrial study of reuse, quality and productivity 730:Y 339
In-process metrics for software testing 730:Y 343
Managers’ quality and performance perceptions: The case of the Korean semiconductor industry 790:M 347
On classes of lifetime distributions with unknown age 820:Y 349