QCAS / Volume 49 / Issue 3

Title Cat:App Page
Economic design of CSP-1 plan under the dependent production process and linear inspection cost 111:Y 241
Multidimensional mixed sampling plans 112:Y 243
Modified nominal/target control charts – A case study in supplier development 112:Y 245
Increasing the sensitivity of control chart for fraction nonconforming 112:Y 247
Constrained inverse adaptive cluster sampling 210:Y 249
Weighting methods 210:Y 255
Monitoring a multiple stream filling operation using fractional samples 210:Y 259
Two-step sequential sampling 210:Y 261
Conditional and unconditional analysis of some small area estimators in complex sampling 210:Y 265
A method for estimating design-based sampling variances for surveys with weighting, poststratification and raking 210:Y 269
Using weights to adjust for sample selection when auxiliary information is available 210:Y 275
Estimating general variable acceptance sampling plans by bootstrap methods 240:Y 277
An application of Edgeworth expansion in Bayesian inferences. Optimal sample sizes in clinical trials 240:Y 283
Best practices in process improvement 310:Y 285
Critical factors and results of quality management: An empirical study 311:Y 287
Matching games to gamers with quality function deployment 323:Y 289
Quality function deployment: A teamwork approach 323:Y 291
Quality improvement through quality audit 341:Y 295
Classical approach to contemporary TQM: An integrated conceptual TQM model as perceived in Tamil classical literature 390:Z 297
TQM is a must for success, but not sufficient for survival: A conceptual framework as contemplated in ancient Tamil literature in India 390:Z 299
Comparative study of Western and Japanese improvement systems 410:A 301
Transforming quality for development 430:Y 303
The development of an economic quality cost model 440:Y 305
The failure of the Sport7 TV-channel: Controversies in a business network 490:A 307
Using success to measure quality in British higher education: Which subjects attract the best-qualified students? 490:T 309
Statistical fraud detection: A review 510:Y 313
Empirical likelihood confidence regions for comparison distributions and ROC curves 511:Y 315
A general Bayes exponential inference model for accelerated life testing 512:Y 319
Constructing meta-models for computer experiments 520:Y 321
Evaluation of three lack of fit tests in linear regression models 541:Y 323
Time series modelling of daily tax revenues 544:Y 325
Monitoring cyclical processes. A nonparametric approach 551:Y 327
E-service quality expectations: A case study 650:S 329
A study on service quality of virtual community websites 650:S 331
Empirically testing some main user-related factors for systems development quality 730:Y 333
The resolution of some paradoxes related to reliability and validity 800:B 337
De-motivators for software process improvement: An analysis of practitioners’ views 850:Y 341
Reliability prediction for component-based software architectures 850:Y 343
Quality-driven software re-engineering 850:Y 347
Software reliability and cost models: Perspectives, comparison and practice 850:Y 349
From problem to solution with quality attributes and design aspects 850:Y 351
Modeling the effects of service guarantee on perceived service quality using alternative conditional expectations (ACE) 860:Y 353