Category: 343 (Awards)

Title Cat:App Page
The importance of information technology to organizational results within the Baldrige Award 343:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 67
Management standards and institutional influence: An exploratory study using the Baldrige criteria 343:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 69
Applying the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria: An approach to strengthen organizational memory and process innovation 343:Y QCAS / 62 / 5-6 / 471
Healthcare performance excellence: A comparison of Baldrige Award recipients and competitors 343:B QCAS / 62 / 1-2 / 65
Slovenian national excellence award and total quality management deployment in Slovenian companies 343:Y QCAS / 61 / 4 / 351
Impact of ISO 9001 certification cancellation on business performance: A case study in Slovenian organizations 343:Y QCAS / 61 / 3 / 227
A study of the Baldrige Award framework using the applicant scoring data 343:Y QCAS / 61 / 1-2 / 55
Insights from the Baldrige award item-level blinded applicant scoring data 343:Y QCAS / 60 / 4 / 325
An information processing perspective of process management: Evidence from Baldrige award recipients 343:Y QCAS / 60 / 3 / 209
An award journey for business excellence: The case study of a public sector unit 343:A QCAS / 57 / 3 / 219
Investigating total quality management practice’s inter-relationships in ISO 9001:2000 certified organizations 343:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 339
On Baldrige core values and commitment to quality 343:A QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 465
Responsible SMEs? Quality award model as a tool 343:A QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 469
On the plus side 343:M QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 473
Jersey score 343:Y QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 475
An exploratory analysis of preliminary blinded applicant scoring data from the Baldrige national quality program 343:Y QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 477
Comparative analysis of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria: An empirical study of India, Mexico and the United States 343:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 297
Making it look over easy 343:M QCAS / 52 / 1 / 65
Employee and patient focus earns the Baldrige 343:Y QCAS / 52 / 1 / 67
Importance and implementation of Baldrige practices for small businesses 343:Y QCAS / 51 / 1 / 49
Conceptualizing and exploring the organizational effects of ISO 9000: Insights from the Oresund Bridge project 343:Y QCAS / 50 / 2 / 163
Using the Malcolm Baldrige National Award in teaching: One criteria, several perspectives 343:Y QCAS / 50 / 1 / 55
Estimating interrater reliability examiner scoring for a state quality award 343:Y QCAS / 48 / 5 / 519
First to the top 343:Y QCAS / 48 / 2 / 153
Stock performance of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winning companies 343:Y QCAS / 48 / 2 / 157
Economic impacts of quality awards: Does offering an award bring returns to the state? 343:A QCAS / 47 / 5 / 517
Journey to the Baldrige 343:Y QCAS / 47 / 4 / 413
Further evidence on the validity of the theoretical models underlying the Baldrige criteria 343:Y QCAS / 47 / 4 / 415
10 steps to Baldrige Award application 343:Y QCAS / 47 / 3 / 295
Baldrige assessment and organizational learning: The need for change management 343:Y QCAS / 47 / 2 / 153
How a regional quality award leads to business success and regional prosperity: The Danbury Trophy 343:Y QCAS / 46 / 6 / 633
Teaching strategy and policy using the Baldrige Award criteria 343:Y QCAS / 46 / 5 / 523
A detailed trends analysis of national quality awards world-wide 343:Y QCAS / 46 / 4 / 421
An empirical investigation of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award causal model 343:A QCAS / 46 / 3 / 293
A comparative analysis of national and regional quality awards 343:Y QCAS / 46 / 2 / 181
Integrating safety and quality: Building to achieve excellence in the workplace 343:A QCAS / 45 / 6 / 647
Revisiting the stock price impact of quality awards 343:Y QCAS / 45 / 5 / 527
Baldrige Award winners beat the S&P 500 343:Y QCAS / 45 / 3 / 281