QCAS / Volume 55 / Issue 5-6

Title Cat:App Page
Nonparametric CUSUM and EWMA control charts for detecting mean shifts 110:Y 429
A nonparametric change-point control chart 110:Y 431
Likelihood ratio based distribution free EWMA control charts 110:Y 433
Self starting CUSCORE control charts for individual multivariate observations 110:Y 435
Geostatistical inference under preferential sampling 210:Y 437
Combining information from multiple surveys by using regression for efficient small domain estimation 230:Y 439
Scale adjustments for classifiers in high-dimensional, low sample size settings 290:Y 441
Quality and standards: Clarity, comparability and responsibility 311:Y 443
Quality assurance for all 311:Y 447
Developing full-spectrum innovation capability for survival and success in the global economy 313:Y 449
Taking the reins 314:A 453
Keep It simple 319:Y 455
Two in one 342:A 457
Sustainable future 342:Y 461
On Baldrige core values and commitment to quality 343:A 465
Responsible SMEs? Quality award model as a tool 343:A 469
On the plus side 343:M 473
Jersey score 343:Y 475
An exploratory analysis of preliminary blinded applicant scoring data from the Baldrige national quality program 343:Y 477
Bulls eye 350:Y 481
What’s the big idea? 390:Y 485
TQM, knowledge management and collaborative commerce adoption: A literature review and research framework 410:Y 489
Karl Pearson’s meta analysis revisited 510:Y 493
Assessment of a binary measurement system in current use 510:Y 495
Optimal testing of multiple hypotheses with common effect direction 511:Y 497
Statistical inference for transit system origin-destination matrices 512:Y 499
The impact of Levene’s test of equality of variances on statistical theory and practice 515:Y 503
Multi-index binary response analysis of large data sets 519:Y 507
Optimum designs versus orthogonal arrays for main effects and two-factor interactions 520:Y 509
Bayesian optimal design for change point problems 520:Y 511
Sensitivity analysis of optimal designs for accelerated life testing 520:Y 513
Multi-sample simple step-stress experiment under time constraints 521:Y 515
A general criterion for factorial designs under model uncertainty 524:Y 517
Analyzing designed experiments in distance sampling 529:Y 521
Maximum likelihood estimation of regression parameters with spatially dependent discrete data 549:Y 523
Nonparametric additive regression for repeatedly measured data 549:Y 525
Incorporating covariates in flowgraph models: Applications to recurrent event data 552:Y 527
Real–time measurement of business conditions 610:A 529
Do leading indicators lead peaks more than troughs? 610:Y 531
Flush with success 660:M 533
Has external quality assurance actually improved quality in higher education over the course of 20 years of the ‘quality revolution’? 680:T 535
Students’ roles in maintaining quality and in enhancing learning: Is there a tension? 680:T 537
Twenty years of quality assurance in higher education: What’s happened and what’s different? 680:T 541
Higher education quality and work-based learning: Two concepts not yet fully integrated 680:Y 543
Now what? 690:A 545
Waste management: Applying quality methods improves safety at nuclear cleanup site 690:Z 549
Development of a performance measurement framework for SMEs 710:A 551
Making the connection: A new way to look at the interplay of quality tools 740:A 555
Added traction 740:Y 557
High marks: College upgrades academic programs, student offerings with PDCA 740:Y 561
Reliability models for almost-series and almost-parallel systems 810:Y 563
Optimum specimen sizes and sample allocation for estimating Weibull shape parameters for two competing failure modes 830:Y 567
A state-dependent wear model with an application to Marine engine cylinder liners 840:M 571
An inverse Gaussian process model for degradation data 840:M 575
Discussion warranted: How a company manages its product warranties can affect the bottom line 860:A 577
Field precision and warranty prediction based auxiliary use-rate information 860:M 579
Journal Contents 583
Book Contents 603
Subject Index 605
Author Index 609