QCAS / Volume 57 / Issue 3

Title Cat:App Page
Control charts based on models derived from differential equations 110:Y 185
A note on the ARL of two-sided Bernoulli-based CUSUM control charts 110:Y 189
A multivariate sign EWMA control chart 110:Y 191
A control chart based on sample ranges for monitoring the covariance matrix of the multivariate processes 111:Y 195
Double-sampling control charts for attributes 112:Y 197
Combining link-tracing sampling and cluster sampling to estimate totals and means of hidden human populations 210:Y 199
Calibration estimation using exponential tilting in sample surveys 230:Y 203
Design for estimation: Identifying auxiliary vectors to reduce non-response bias 230:Y 205
A research agenda for Six Sigma research 314:Y 207
The bright side of failure 319:Y 211
Lessons in loyalty: There’s a better way to measure customer loyalty and boost business growth 319:Y 213
Learning from others to adapt quality management to the future 331:Y 215
Firm performance, corporate governance and executive compensation in high-tech businesses 339:A 217
An award journey for business excellence: The case study of a public sector unit 343:A 219
Prioritization of the determinants of customer satisfaction: A simultaneous equation approach in ordinal endogenous set-up 350:Y 223
The impact of word-of-mouth communication on attribute evaluation 350:Y 225
Supplier cost evaluation: Estimating the excess costs of purchased components 359:M 227
Quality improvement vs. advertising support: Which strategy works better for a manufacturer? 440:Y 229
Missing data in a stochastic Dollo model for binary trait data, and its application to the dating of Proto-Indo-European 510:Z 233
Confidence intervals for the mean of a population containing many zero values under unequal-probability sampling 511:Y 235
Patterns on an ancient artifact: A coincidence? 517:Z 237
Estimating and testing zones of abrupt change for spatial data 519:Y 239
Screening for fuel economy: A case study of supersaturated designs in practice 520:Y 241
A split-plot experiment with factor-dependent whole-plot sizes 520:Y 243
A class of three level designs for definite screening in the presence of second-order effects 520:Y 247
Exchange algorithms for constructing model robust experimental designs 520:Y 249
Optimal and efficient cross-over designs for test control study when subject efforts are random 520:Y 251
Structural testing of 2×2 factorial effects: An analytic plan requiring fewer observations 529:Y 253
Diagnostics analysis for log-Birnbaum-Saunders regression models with censored data 540:Y 255
Non parametric maximum likelihood analysis of clustered current status data with the gamma–frailty Cox model 551:Y 257
Beyond ERP implementation: The moderating effect of knowledge management of business performance 610:A 259
Understanding e-learning service quality of a commercial bank by Kano’s model 610:S 261
Mathematical model of the occurrence of human error in manufacturing processes 660:M 263
Quality quandaries: Lean nursing 670:B 267
Responsibility for product quality problems in sequential manufacturing: A case study from the meat industry 670:M 269
On the science of management with measurement 710:A 273
Prediction of reliability of an arbitrary system from a finite population 820:Y 275
Roller-coaster failure rates and mean residual life functions with application to the extended generalized inverse Gaussian model 820:Y 277
Reliability and maintenance modeling for systems subject to multiple dependent competing failure processes 820:Y 279
A simulation model for improving the maintenance of high cost systems, with application to an offshore oil installation 840:Y 281
Journal Contents 283