Category: Bd (Performance management)

Title Cat:App Page
Pay disparities within top management groups: Evidence of harmful effects on performance of high technology firms Bd:160 OR/MS / 46 / 2 / 147
Can standard operating procedures be motivating? Reconciling process variability issues and behavioral outcomes Bd:100 OR/MS / 45 / 5 / 529
The effects of internal versus external integration practices on time-based performance and overall firm performance Bd:100 OR/MS / 45 / 3 / 267
Managing knowledge in the dark: An empirical study of the reliability of capability evaluations Bd:130 OR/MS / 45 / 3 / 269
Metrics and performance measurement in operations management: Dealing with the metrics maze Bd:100 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 35
The design of performance measurement systems for management learning Bd:130 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 37
Performance measurement and business results Bd:130 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 41
An exploratory study of performance measurement systems and relationships with performance results Bd:130 OR/MS / 45 / 1 / 43
Exploring organizationally directed citizenship behavior: Reciprocity or “it’s my job”? Bd:100 OR/MS / 44 / 6 / 635
Designing a performance measurement system: A case study Bd:100 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 505
Dynamic innovation strategies and stable networks in the construction industry – implanting solar energy projects in the Sydney Olympic Village Bd:130 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 509
Managing learning curves in factories by creating and transferring knowledge Bd:130 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 393
Organizational learning as a strategic resource in supply management Bd:100 OR/MS / 44 / 3 / 265
The impact of human resource management practices on operational performance: Recognizing country and industry differences Bd:130 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 513
Behavioral integrity: The perceived alignment between managers’ words and deeds as a research focus Bd:130 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 517
An integrated operations performance metric Bd:140 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 381
Members’ identification with multiple-identity organizations Bd:130 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 273
Co-leadership: Lessons from Republican Rome Bd:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 141
An effective R&D performance measurement system: Survey of Korean R&D researchers Bd:170 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 33
An objective review of the effectiveness and essential characteristics of performance feedback in organizational settings (1985-1998) Bd:130 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 265
Past the tipping point: The persistence of firefighting in product development Bd:150 OR/MS / 42 / 3 / 269
Management as a professional discipline Bd:000 OR/MS / 42 / 2 / 145
Sustainability at Hewlett-Packard: From theory to practice Bd:000 OR/MS / 42 / 2 / 149
Do performance plan adoptions improve firm performance? An analysis of nine industries Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 6 / 625
Top management team heterogeneity: Personality, power and proxies Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 6 / 629
Layoff policies as a competitive edge Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 5 / 525
Dynamics and dilemmas of women leading women Bd:000 OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 403
On the role of outsiders in technical development Bd:170 OR/MS / 41 / 4 / 405
Estimating the marginal willingness to pay for commuting Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 3 / 277
Organizational leadership and authority relations across cultures: Beyond divergence and convergence Bd:130 OR/MS / 41 / 2 / 143
How control in human-asset-intensive firms differs from physical-asset-intensive firms: A multi-level approach Bd:130 OR/MS / 40 / 6 / 633