Category: 110 (Quality control charts)

Title Cat:App Page
Nonparametric phase-II control charts for monitoring high-dimensional processes with unknown parameters 110:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 11
Assessing the performance of control charts for detecting previously unexplored shift types in high density spatial data 110:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 13
A consistent data model for different data granularity in control charts 110:Y QCAS / 69 / 1-2 / 17
An improved multiple quality characteristic analysis chart for simultaneous monitoring of process mean and variance of steering knuckle pin for green manufacturing 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 341
Functional regression control chart 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 343
A variable parameters auxiliary information based quality control chart with application in a spring manufacturing process: The Markov chain approach 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 5-6 / 347
Adaptive EWMA-S2 control charts with adaptive smoothing parameter 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 3-4 / 171
A web-based tool to design and analyze single- and double-stage acceptance sampling plans 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 1-2 / 11
Detecting a downward shift in a proportion using a geometric CUSUM chart 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 1-2 / 15
Guidelines for automating phase I of control charts by considering effects on phase-II performance of individuals control chart 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 1-2 / 17
A combined Shewhart-CUSUM chart with switching limit 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 1-2 / 21
Design of economic X-bar chart for monitoring electric power loss through transmission and distribution system 110:Y QCAS / 68 / 1-2 / 23
A rule of thumb: Run lengths to false alarm of many types of control charts run in parallel on dependent streams are asymptotically independent 110:Y QCAS / 67 / 3-4 / 171
A new process control chart for monitoring short-range serially correlated data 110:Y QCAS / 67 / 3-4 / 173
Choosing parameter values for a geometric CUSUM chart for detecting an upward shift in a proportion 110:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 339
An EWMA-type sign chart with exact run length properties 110:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 171
Phase II control charts for monitoring dispersion when parameters are estimated 110:Y QCAS / 64 / 3-4 / 185
A CUSUM test for panel mean change detection 110:Y QCAS / 64 / 1-2 / 17
The case against the use of synthetic control charts 110:Y QCAS / 63 / 3-4 / 185
Evaluation of phase I analysis scenarios on phase II performance of control charts for autocorrelated observations 110:Y QCAS / 63 / 3-4 / 187
A tutorial on an iterative approach for generating Shewhart control limits 110:Y QCAS / 63 / 3-4 / 189
Control charting methods for autocorrelated cyber vulnerability data 110:Y QCAS / 63 / 3-4 / 191
An application of the linear errors-in-variables model in semiconductor device performance assessment 110:Y QCAS / 62 / 1-2 / 17
Another look at the EWMA control chart with estimated parameters 110:Y QCAS / 62 / 1-2 / 19
Developing control charts in monitoring service quality based on the number of customer complaints 110:Y QCAS / 61 / 5-6 / 429
CUSUM charts for monitoring the characteristic life of censored Weibull lifetimes 110:Y QCAS / 60 / 5-6 / 429
A robust estimator for location in phase I based on an EWMA chart 110:Y QCAS / 60 / 5-6 / 433
A Gaussian process control chart for monitoring autocorrelated process data 110:Y QCAS / 60 / 3 / 185
Quality quandaries: A stepwise approach for setting up a robust shewhart location control chart 110:Y QCAS / 60 / 1-2 / 17
The CUSUM and the EWMA head-to-head 110:Y QCAS / 60 / 1-2 / 19
Differential smoothing in the bivariate exponentially weighted moving average chart 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 5-6 / 429
Control charts for simultaneous monitoring of unknown mean and variance of normally distributed processes 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 4 / 307
Robust CUSUM control charting 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 3 / 185
edcc: An R package for the economic design of the control chart 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 3 / 187
Two-sided charts for monitoring nonconforming parts per million 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 1-2 / 17
A GLR control chart for monitoring the mean vector of a multivariate normal process 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 1-2 / 19
A multivariate sign chart for monitoring process shape parameters 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 1-2 / 21
Control charts based on the exponential distribution: Adapting runs rules for the t chart 110:Y QCAS / 59 / 1-2 / 23
Likelihood-based EWMA charts for monitoring Poisson count data with time-varying sample sizes 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 429
T2 control charts with variable dimension 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 431
A binomial GLR control chart for monitoring a proportion 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 433
Two nonparametric control charts for detecting arbitrary distribution changes 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 435
Construction of control charts based on six sigma initiatives for fraction defectives with varying sample size 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 437
Maximum-likelihood-based diagnostics after a signal from control charts 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 5-6 / 439
Weighted CUSUM control charts for monitoring Poisson processes with varying sample sizes 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 1-2 / 17
A non-parametric exponentially weighted a moving average signed-rank chart for monitoring location 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 1-2 / 19
Adaptive R charts with variable parameters 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 1-2 / 21
Design and analysis of control charts for standard deviation with estimated parameters 110:Y QCAS / 58 / 1-2 / 23
A review and perspective on control charting with image data 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 429
Effect of measurement error and autocorrelation on the x̄ chart 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 431
Shewhart and EWMA t control charts for short production Runs 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 435
Improved design of robust exponentially weighted moving average control charts for auto-correlated processes 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 437
Control charts for attributes with maxima nominated samples 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 439
Multivariate Cuscore control charts for monitoring the mean vector in autocorrelated processes 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 441
CUSUM charts for monitoring the mean of a multivariate Gaussian process 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 5-6 / 443
Two MEWMA charts for Gumbel’s bivariate exponential distribution 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 4 / 307
A synthetic double sampling control chart for the process Mean 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 4 / 311
Control charts based on models derived from differential equations 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 3 / 185
A note on the ARL of two-sided Bernoulli-based CUSUM control charts 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 3 / 189
A multivariate sign EWMA control chart 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 3 / 191
A phase I nonparametric Shewhart-type control chart based on the median 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 17
Control charts for fraction non-conforming in a bivariate binomial process 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 19
A side sensitive modified group runs control chart to detect shifts in the process mean 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 21
A distribution-free phase I control chart for subgroup scale 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 23
Design of a time-truncated double sampling plan for a general life distribution 110:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 25
An application of fuzzy random variables to control charts 110:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 429
New EWMA control charts for monitoring process dispersion 110:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 307
On the performance of EWMA chart in the presence of two-component measurement error 110:Y QCAS / 56 / 3 / 185
An evaluation of a GLR control chart for monitoring the process mean 110:Y QCAS / 56 / 1-2 / 17
Nonparametric CUSUM and EWMA control charts for detecting mean shifts 110:Y QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 429
A nonparametric change-point control chart 110:Y QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 431
Likelihood ratio based distribution free EWMA control charts 110:Y QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 433
Self starting CUSCORE control charts for individual multivariate observations 110:Y QCAS / 55 / 5-6 / 435
Monitoring process mean level using auxiliary information 110:Y QCAS / 55 / 4 / 307
Reduction of control-chart signal variability for high-quality processes 110:Y QCAS / 54 / 4 / 303
A case study in monitoring hospital-associated infections with count control charts 110:B QCAS / 54 / 3 / 183
A weighted CUSUM chart for detecting patterned mean shifts 110:Y QCAS / 54 / 3 / 185
Multivariate statistical process control based on principal component analysis (MSPC-PCA): Some reflections and a case study in an auto body assembly process 110:Y QCAS / 53 / 6 / 543
Modified Shewhart charts for high yield processes 110:Y QCAS / 53 / 6 / 545
On the superiority of a variable sampling interval control chart 110:Y QCAS / 53 / 4-5 / 361