Complementary drivers of new product development performance: Cross-functional coordination, information
system capability, and intelligence quality |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 53 / 5-6 / 445 |
Before identity: The emergence of new organizational forms |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 313 |
Operational compliance levers, environmental performance,
and firm performance under cap and trade regulation |
Af:240 |
OR/MS / 53 / 4 / 315 |
Key factors in the market for remanufactured products |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 189 |
Capital is not enough: Innovation in developing economics |
Af:270 |
OR/MS / 53 / 3 / 191 |
Client strategies in vendor transition: A threat balancing perspective |
Af:160 |
OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 21 |
Implementing environmental technologies in development situations: The example of ecological toilets |
Af:220 |
OR/MS / 53 / 1-2 / 25 |
Profiting from knowledge management: The impact of time
and experience |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 435 |
University patenting: Patterns of faculty motivations |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 437 |
From innovation to market entry: A strategic management model for new technologies |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 439 |
Dominant design or multiple designs: The flash memory card case |
Af:160 |
OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 441 |
Hidden innovators: The role of non–R&D activities |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 443 |
Open innovation policy through intermediaries: The industry incubator programme in Norway |
Af:210 |
OR/MS / 52 / 5-6 / 445 |
Timing is everything: A meta-analysis of the relationships between organizational performance and innovation |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 317 |
Managing disputes with nonmarket stakeholders: Wage a fight, withdraw, wait, or work it out? |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 52 / 4 / 319 |
Internationalization strategies of emerging markets firms |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 197 |
Life after death? Analyzing post-defection consumer brand equity |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 52 / 3 / 201 |
Strategies to fight ad-sponsored rivals |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 19 |
Competitiveness and changing patterns of embeddedness in Romania |
Af:270 |
OR/MS / 52 / 1-2 / 23 |
Operational capabilities: The secret ingredient |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 431 |
Market segmentation from a behavioral perspective |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 51 / 5-6 / 433 |
Exploring a theoretical framework to structure the public policy implications of open innovation |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 315 |
The last frontier: Market creation in conflict zones, deep rural areas, and urban slums |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 319 |
Triple helix and regional development: A perspective from Oxfordshire in the UK |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 321 |
Strategic product/service innovations of an online firm |
Af:160 |
OR/MS / 51 / 4 / 325 |
Acquisitions and real options: The greenfield alternative |
Af:000 |
OR/MS / 51 / 3 / 195 |
The triple helix perspective of innovation systems |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 51 / 3 / 199 |
Managing disputes with nonmarket stakeholders: Wage a fight, withdraw, wait, or work it out? |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 51 / 1-2 / 25 |
So what if remanufacturing cannibalizes my new product sales? |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 433 |
Offshore remanufacturing with variable used product condition |
Af:150 |
OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 437 |
Capability, quality, and performance of offshore IS vendors: A theoretical framework and empirical investigation |
Af:160 |
OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 441 |
Understanding antecedents of new product development speed: A meta-analysis |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 445 |
Strategies or addressing the nursing shortage: Coordinated decision making and workforce flexibility |
Af:220 |
OR/MS / 50 / 5-6 / 449 |
An empirical analysis of scarcity strategies in the automobile industry |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 50 / 4 / 307 |
The quality of group tacit knowledge |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 23 |
Study on the management of brain drain |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 25 |
Dynamics of new product introduction in closed rental systems |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 27 |
Signaling quality through specialization |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 29 |
The politics of airplane production: The emergence of two technological frames in the competition between Boeing and Airbus |
Af:250 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 31 |
Why defeating insurgencies is hard: The effect of intelligence In counterinsurgency operations – A best-case scenario |
Af:260 |
OR/MS / 50 / 1-2 / 35 |
Innovation in megaprojects |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 49 / 4 / 313 |
Innovation behavior in the hotel industry |
Af:210 |
OR/MS / 49 / 4 / 317 |
Asymmetric new product development alliances: Win-win or Win-lose partnerships? |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 49 / 3 / 193 |
Employee alignment with strategic change: A study of strategy-supportive behavior among blue-collar employees |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 49 / 3 / 197 |
Masters of war: Rivals’ product innovation and new advertising in mature product markets |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 49 / 3 / 201 |
What competition? Myopic self-focus in market-entry decisions |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 23 |
Building efficient product portfolios at John Deere and Company |
Af:150 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 27 |
Niche management and its contribution to regime change: The case of innovation in sanitation |
Af:210 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 29 |
Life science innovation and the restructuring of the pharmaceutical industry: Merger, acquisition and strategic alliance behavior of large firms |
Af:220 |
OR/MS / 49 / 1-2 / 31 |
The diffusion of management innovations: The possibilities and limitations of memetics |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 48 / 6 / 543 |
From imitation to innovation: The evolution of R&D capabilities and learning processes in the Indian pharmaceutical industry |
Af:220 |
OR/MS / 48 / 6 / 545 |
Japanese and US perspectives on the national innovation ecosystem |
Af:270 |
OR/MS / 48 / 6 / 553 |
Churn, baby, churn: Strategic dynamics among dominant and fringe firms in a segmented industry |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 367 |
Finding, forming, and performing: Creating networks for discontinuous innovation |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 371 |
Niche entry as a route to mainstream innovation: Learning from the phosphoric acid fuel cell in stationary power |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 375 |
Government policy and trajectories of radical innovation in dirigiste states: A comparative analysis of national innovation systems in France and Korea |
Af:270 |
OR/MS / 48 / 4-5 / 377 |
Today’s solution and tomorrow’s problem: The business process outsourcing risk management puzzle |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 48 / 3 / 241 |
Process innovativeness in technology services organizations: Roles of differentiation strategy, operational autonomy and risk-taking propensity |
Af:160 |
OR/MS / 48 / 3 / 243 |
Fairness from the top: Perceived procedural justice and collaborative problem solving in new product development |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 48 / 3 / 245 |
Size really matters – new insights for start-ups’ survival |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 48 / 3 / 249 |
Fairness from the top: Perceived procedural justice and collaborative problem solving in new product development |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 48 / 3 / 253 |
Wintel: Cooperation and conflict |
Af:280 |
OR/MS / 48 / 3 / 257 |
Bundling, entry deterrence and specialist innovators |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 127 |
Alliance research: Less is more |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 129 |
Managing the global talent pool: Sovereignty, treaty and intergovernmental networks |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 131 |
Taming monsters: The cultural domestication of new technology |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 133 |
The influence of intellectual capital on new product development performance – The manufacturing companies of Taiwan as an example |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 48 / 2 / 137 |
Dynamics of cooperation: At the brink of irrelevance |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 48 / 1 / 13 |
Managing creativity in small worlds |
Af:000 |
OR/MS / 47 / 6 / 603 |
Strategic moves and organizational survival in turbulent environments: The case of Spanish banks (1983-97) |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 47 / 6 / 605 |
Stakeholder influence in organizational survival |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 47 / 6 / 607 |
The governance of agro- and pharmaceutical biotechnology innovation: Public policy and industrial strategy |
Af:290 |
OR/MS / 47 / 6 / 609 |
Customer orientation, conflict and innovativeness in Japanese sales departments |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 47 / 5 / 489 |
Strategic planning of BMW’s global production network |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 47 / 5 / 493 |
National barriers to global competitiveness: The case of the IT industry in India |
Af:100 |
OR/MS / 47 / 4 / 361 |
Stanford and Silicon Valley: Lessons on becoming a high-tech region |
Af:170 |
OR/MS / 47 / 4 / 367 |
Preadaptation, firm heterogeneity and technology performance: A study on the evolution of fiber optics, 1970-1995 |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 47 / 3 / 241 |
When is contracting preferable to employment? An exploration of management and worker perspectives |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 47 / 3 / 243 |
A prompting procedure for increasing sales in a small pet store |
Af:130 |
OR/MS / 47 / 3 / 245 |
Consumption flexibility, product configuration and market competition |
Af:140 |
OR/MS / 47 / 3 / 247 |