Application: Y (General Applications)

Title Cat:App Page
A framework of quality management practices for Indian service SMEs 410:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 49
Organizational culture and TQM implementation: Investigating the mediating influences of multidimensional employee readiness for change 410:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 53
Quality costs in practice and an analysis of the factors affecting quality cost management 440:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 57
Construction of row-column factorial designs 510:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 59
Adjustments of multi-sample U-statistics to right censored data and confounding covariates 511:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 65
A scalable nonparametric specification testing for massive data 511:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 67
Linear hypothesis testing with functional data 511:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 69
Empirical likelihood inference for semi-parametric transformation models with length-biased sampling 512:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 71
General local rank estimation for single-index varying coefficient models 512:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 73
Covariate-assisted ranking and screening for large-scale two-sample inference 512:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 75
A general framework for quantile estimation with incomplete data 513:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 77
Two-sample and ANOVA tests for high dimensional means 515:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 85
Generalizing evidence from randomized trials using inverse probability of sampling weights 519:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 89
Semiparametric model for bivariate survival data subject to biased sampling 519:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 91
Most recent changepoint detection in panel data 519:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 93
Replication or exploration? Sequential design for stochastic simulation experiments 520:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 95
Using individual factor information in fractional factorial designs 524:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 97
Optimal design of experiments for non-linear response surface models 525:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 99
An integer linear programing approach to find trend-robust run orders of experimental designs 529:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 101
A nonparametric Bayesian methodology for regression discontinuity designs 551:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 105
Reliability and interdependent suppliers 810:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 127
Conditional inspection and maintenance of a system with two interacting components 810:Y QCAS / 66 / 1-2 / 129
Choosing parameter values for a geometric CUSUM chart for detecting an upward shift in a proportion 110:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 339
Comparing two measurement systems using the probability of agreement web app 130:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 343
Generalized hybrid censored reliability acceptance sampling plans for the Weibull distribution 220:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 347
The interlocking world of surveys and experiments 230:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 349
The evolution and convergence of total quality management and management theories 310:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 353
Increasing a gas distributor net profit through Lean Six Sigma 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 357
Achieving aggressive goals through Lean Six Sigma: A case study to improve revenue collection 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 361
A review of critical success factors for the successful implementation of Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma in manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 365
Designing for Six Sigma in a private organization in China under TQM implementation: A case study 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 367
Lean Six Sigma meets data science: Integrating two approaches based on three case studies 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 371
Improving baggage flow in the baggage handling system at a UARE-based airline using Lean Six Sigma tools 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 375
Applying Lean Six Sigma methods to reduce length of stay in a hospital’s emergency department 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 379
Towards a theory of operational excellence, Pauline Found, Andrew Lahy, Sharon Williams, Qing Hu 319:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 383
From successful to sustainable lean production: The case of a Lean Prize Award Winner 319:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 385
A quality scorecard for the era of industry 4.0 319:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 387
Effective use of quality function deployment and Kansei engineering for product planning with sensory customer requirements: A plain yogurt case 323:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 391
Developing an instrument to measure lean manufacturing maturity and its relationships with operational performance 329:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 395
Total quality management and performance management systems: Team players or lonely riders? 334:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 399
Auditing of explorative processes 341:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 401
An empirical analysis of ISO 9001: 2008 application in Italian services and manufacturing companies 342:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 405
Integration of the ISO 9001 QMS with the company’s IT business system 342:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 407
Total quality management, knowledge management and innovation: An empirical study in R&D units 410:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 409
Continuous improvement leaders, followers and laggards: Understanding system sustainability 410:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 411
The impact of management leadership on quality performance throughout a supply chain: an empirical study 410:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 413
Exploring customers’ perceptions about quality management systems: An empirical study in Italy 410:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 415
Risk analysis in certification process in the field of energy construction: Case in Latvia 430:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 417
Effectivity of quality methods used on the shop floor of a serial production – how important is Poka Yoke? 430:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 419
Confidence intervals for causal effects with invalid instruments by using two-stage hard thresholding with voting 511:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 421
Inference for instrumental variables: A randomization inference approach 512:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 423
Nonparametric modelling and prognosis of condition monitoring signals using multivariate Gaussian convolution processes 551:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 425
Cargo-cult statistics and scientific crisis 590:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 429
Analysis of defect propagation in the product development process based on key activity nodes 590:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 431
ANP-based knowledge management solutions framework for the long-term complaint knowledge transfer 670:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 441
Qualitative investigation of the role of quality in online community support for people living with HIV and AIDS 690:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 451
Predicting with plots: A simple way to determine repair rates 740:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 455
Comparing methods for assessing reliability uncertainty based on pass/fail data collected over time 810:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 457
A reliability assessment approach for systems with heterogeneous component information 820:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 459
Design of extended warranty service in a dual supply channel 860:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 463
Risk-based safety and mission assurance: Approach and experiences in practice 890:Y QCAS / 65 / 5-6 / 467
An EWMA-type sign chart with exact run length properties 110:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 171
Optimal subsampling for large sample logistic regression 210:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 175
An efficient sampling algorithm for network motif detection 210:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 177
Tractable sampling strategies for ordinal optimization 210:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 179
A spatial-adaptive sampling procedure for online monitoring of big data streams 220:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 181
Disentangling bias and variance in election polls 230:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 183
Quantitative evaluation of the trade-off of strengthened instruments and sample size in observational studies 240:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 185
Hidden population size estimation from respondent-driven sampling: A network approach 290:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 187
The relationship between corporate innovation and performance 313:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 191
Leadership – a critical success factor for the effective implementation of Lean Six Sigma 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 193
An empirical assessment of Lean Six Sigma awareness in manufacturing industries: Construct development and validation 314:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 195
Being an excellent team: Understanding how politics influence team performance 332:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 197
Application and development of the people capability maturity model level of an organization 334:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 201
The effect of Europe Union common assessment framework on organizational commitment with role of job satisfaction 334:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 205
Reference models and competitiveness: An empirical test of the management excellence model (MEG) in Brazilian companies 334:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 207
Quality at the source or at the end? Managing supplier quality under information asymmetry 351:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 211
A multilevel analysis of customer engagement, its antecedents and the effects on service innovation 359:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 217
Factors influencing customer loyalty towards 3G mobile data service providers: evidence from Ghana 359:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 221
Developing a performance management model for the implementation of TQM practices in public education centers 410:Y QCAS / 65 / 3-4 / 225