Application: Y (General Applications)

Title Cat:App Page
Measure of bivariate attributes using novel statistical model 112:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 29
Monitoring imprecise fraction of non confirming items using p control charts 112:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 31
On the sample information about parameter and prediction 210:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 33
Transformation and smoothing in sample survey data 210:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 35
Some general comparative points on Chao’s and Zelterman’s Estimators the population size 210:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 37
Inference under progressively Type II right-censored sampling for certain lifetime distributions 210:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 39
The monitoring of simple regression profiles with two observations per sample 210:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 41
Graphical models for inference under outcome-dependent sampling 210:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 45
Conditional and restricted Pareto sampling: Two new methods for unequal probability sampling 210:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 47
Correcting for survey non responses using variable response propensity 230:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 49
Sample size for confidence interval of covariate-adjusted mean difference 240:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 51
A Bayesian algorithm for sample size determination for equivalence and non-inferiority test 240:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 53
Integrating DEA into Six Sigma methodology for measuring health service efficiency 314:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 55
Statistical monitoring of control loops performance: An improved historical-data benchmark index 324:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 57
A classification model for prediction of certification motivations from the contents of ISO 9001 audit reports 342:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 67
A decision theoretic formulation of Fisher’s approach to testing 511:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 75
Confidence intervals for the mean of a population containing many zero values under unequal probability sampling 511:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 77
On bias reduction in robust inference for generalized linear models 512:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 81
The changing history of robustness 512:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 83
Functional ANOVA in computer models with time series output 515:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 85
Estimating the standard deviation in quality-control applications 515:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 87
Improving quality of prediction in highly dynamic environments using approximate dynamic programming 519:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 89
An estimated-score approach for dealing with missing covariate data in matched case-control studies 520:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 97
D-optimal and D-efficient equivalent-estimation second-order split-plot designs 520:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 99
Optimal row–column designs in high-throughput screening experiments 520:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 101
The prediction properties of classical and inverse regression for the simple linear calibration problem 540:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 103
Edward Simpson: Bayes at Bletchley Park 590:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 105
Customer service quality improvement in the public sector through the internet 640:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 107
A framework for quality dimensions of knowledge management systems 650:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 111
Augmented measurement system assessment 710:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 121
Reliability estimation in a Weibull lifetime distribution with zero-failure field data 820:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 123
Change detection in the Cox proportional hazards models from different reliability data 820:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 125
Reliability growth management metrics and statistical methods for discrete-use systems 820:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 127
DeviceNet reliability assessment using physical and data link layer parameters 820:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 131
On the linear degradation model with multiple failure modes 820:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 135
Quantifying the risk in age and block replacement policies 840:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 137
Optimal maintenance of two stochastically deteriorating machines with an intermediate buffer 840:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 139
Altered quasi-renewal concepts for modeling renewable warranty costs with imperfect repairs 860:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 141
The effect of lifetime buys on warranty repair operations 860:Y QCAS / 57 / 1-2 / 145
An application of fuzzy random variables to control charts 110:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 429
Nonparametric multivariate control charts based on a linkage ranking algorithm 119:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 431
On the expected parts per million nonconforming levels obtained from estimated process capability indices 130:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 435
Variation reduction for multistage manufacturing processes: A comparison survey of statistical-process-control vs. stream- of-variation methodologies 190:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 437
Estimation of sample selection models with two selection mechanisms 210:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 441
Statistical thinking and methods in quality improvement: A look to the future 311:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 443
Guru guide 311:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 447
C-Kano model: A novel approach for discovering attractive quality elements 319:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 449
Proactive coaching for employee development and improved business results 331:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 453
Brace for impact 341:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 461
Squaring customer demands, brand strength, and production requirements: A case example of an integrated product and branding strategy 359:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 467
Total quality management (TQM) strategy and organisational characteristics: Evidence from a recent WTO member 410:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 471
Barriers and benefits of quality management in the construction industry: An empirical study 410:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 475
Mixed signals: Prevent confusion about statistical terms that have multiple meanings 510:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 491
Max-type rank tests, U-tests and adaptive tests for the two-sample location problem – An asymptotic power study 511:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 493
Simultaneous optimization of mean and standard deviation 515:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 495
On monitoring process variance with individual observations 515:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 499
Modeling the variability of rankings 515:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 503
The generalized-trend-diffusion modeling algorithm for small data sets in the early stages of manufacturing systems 519:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 505
Three-level and mixed-level orthogonal arrays for lean designs 529:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 509
Nonparametric tests of the Markov hypothesis in continuous-time models 551:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 513
Factors driving website success – The key role of Internet customisation and the influence of website design quality and Internet marketing strategy 640:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 515
The impact of customer relationship management through implementation of information systems 650:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 519
On the map: What good process mapping can do for your organization 740:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 541
Modelling the performance of CoP in knowledge management 740:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 543
Self-assessment for measuring business excellence: The MUSABE method 790:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 547
An approach that can quickly assess product reliability 820:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 551
Reliability estimation by ALT when no analytical model holds 820:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 555
Stress test optimization using an integrated production test and field reliability model 820:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 559
Finite mixture of exponential model and its applications to renewal & reliability theory 820:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 563
System reliability for quickest path problems under time threshold and budget 820:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 565
Optimal preventive maintenance policy under fuzzy Bayesian reliability assessment environments 820:Y QCAS / 56 / 5-6 / 567
New EWMA control charts for monitoring process dispersion 110:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 307
Properties of the exponential EWMA chart with parameter estimation 111:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 309
A multivariate control chart for simultaneously monitoring process mean and variability 111:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 313
A cumulative sum scheme for monitoring frequency and size of an event 190:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 315
Nested lattice sampling: A new sampling scheme derived by randomizing nested orthogonal arrays 210:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 319
Transformation and smoothing in sample survey data 210:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 323
Conditional and restricted Pareto sampling: Two new methods for unequal probability sampling 210:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 325
The dynamics of value generation and their dependence on an organization’s internal and external value system 332:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 331
Dispositions, organizational commitment and satisfaction: A longitudinal study of MBA graduates 339:Y QCAS / 56 / 4 / 335