Application: 000 (General Application)

Title Cat:App Page
Evolution of behaviors in autonomous robot using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm Fb:000 OR/MS / 44 / 5 / 565
Modularity and innovation in complex systems Da:000 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 417
Complexity, identity and the value of knowledge-intensive exchanges Da:000 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 419
Genetically engineered decision trees: Population diversity produces smarter trees Ea:000 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 437
A complete fuzzy decision tree technique Ec:000 OR/MS / 44 / 4 / 443
Ant colony optimization for learning Bayesian networks Dz:000 OR/MS / 44 / 3 / 293
Construction of fuzzy systems using least-squares method and genetic algorithm Ec:000 OR/MS / 44 / 3 / 307
Trie: An alternative data structure for data mining algorithms Ee:000 OR/MS / 44 / 3 / 315
The impact of experience and time on the use of data quality information in decision making Ea:000 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 167
Mulitcriteria heuristic search Ea:000 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 169
Fuzzy data mining for interesting generalized association rules Ec:000 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 173
Fuzzy active noise modeling and control Ec:000 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 177
3D visual data mining – goals and experiences Ee:000 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 181
Navy operations research Z:000 OR/MS / 44 / 2 / 215
Automatic generation of fuzzy rule-based models from data by genetic algorithms Ca:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 43
Data envelopment analysis with fuzzy inputs and outputs Cb:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 47
An extension of data envelopment analysis to equity valuation Cb:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 51
Heuristic optimization of experimental designs Cf:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 55
A morphology-driven string matching approach to Arabic text searching Cz:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 57
Prioritizing waiting lists: How and why? Dd:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 63
Distributed decision making – A unified approach Ea:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 71
Analyzing AHP-matrices by regression Ee:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 77
Web mining and relational clustering Fc:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 87
Perception differences of software success: Provider and user views of system metrics Fe:000 OR/MS / 44 / 1 / 103
The functional localization of neural networks using genetic algorithms Ca:000 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 637
Two-dimensional packing problems: A survey Cd:000 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 647
Fuzzy programming approach to multi-level programming problems Ec:000 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 677
Mathematical analysis of a correlation-based model for orientation map formation Ez:000 OR/MS / 43 / 6 / 685
Neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithm in multiple response optimization Ca:000 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 525
A comparative study of using grey relational analysis in multiple attribute decision making problems Cb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 527
A simulated annealing methodology to distribution network design and management Cf:000 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 549
Soft set theory Dc:000 OR/MS / 43 / 5 / 561
Does Hollywood make too many R-rated movies? Risk, stochastic, dominance and the illusion of expectation Ag:000 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 367
Multiobjective fuzzy regression with central tendency and possibilistic properties Cb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 389
A survey of communication protocol testing Cc:000 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 393
Testing theories of choice under risk: Estimation of individual functionals Ea:000 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 425
A study of the transiently chaotic neural network for combinatorial optimization Fb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 445
Website usability, design and performance metrics Fc:000 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 449
An optimization approach to plan for reusable software components Fe:000 OR/MS / 43 / 4 / 469
Disciplining the professional: The case of project management Ad:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 241
DEA models for resource reallocation and production input/output estimation Cb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 283
Dynamic multiobjective heating optimization Cd:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 289
Subdivision, sampling and initialization strategies for simplical branch and bound in global optimization Cd:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 291
Optimization for simulation: Theory vs. practice De:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 313
The effects of synchronous collaborative technologies on decision making: A study of virtual scams Ea:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 315
Integrating management judgment and statistical methods to improve short-term forecasts Eb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 323
A further examination of cumulative prospect theory parameterizations Ef:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 335
Adaptive business intelligence based on evolution strategies: Some application examples of self-adaptive software Fb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 3 / 339
Co-leadership: Lessons from Republican Rome Bd:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 141
Logic, optimization and constraint programming Cb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 153
A new multiobjective evolutionary algorithm Cb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 155
Performance of coupled product development activities with a deadline Cz:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 173
A novel chaotic search for quadratic assignment problems Da:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 181
General concepts of quality for discrete-event simulation De:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 187
Controlling inventories with stochastic item returns: A basic model Ed:000 OR/MS / 43 / 2 / 205
Complex systems and the merger process Ag:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 19
The first linear-programming shoppe Cb:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 43
Global optimization with exploration/selection algorithms and simulated annealing Cf:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 51
Humanoid robots Cz:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 55
Tutorial on computational complexity Dz:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 65
Representing trees using Microsoft doughnut charts Ea:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 67
Multicriteria classification and sorting methods: A literature review Ea:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 71
A fast learning algorithm for parsimonious fuzzy neural systems Ec:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 75
Information management (IM) strategy: The construct and its measurement Fd:000 OR/MS / 43 / 1 / 93
How could we ever believe science is not political? Bz:000 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 631
Soft evidential update for probabilistic multiagent systems Cc:000 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 637
Online searching Ce:000 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 645
Ten little treasures of game theory and ten intuitive contradictions Dc:000 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 655
Collaborative decision making: A connectionist paradigm for dialectical support Ea:000 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 663
Design of robust fuzzy-model-based controller with sliding mode control for SISO nonlinear systems Ec:000 OR/MS / 42 / 6 / 669
Toward a theory-based measurement of culture Ag:000 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 497
Education for growth: Why and for whom? Bf:000 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 511
Vehicle dispatching system based on Taguchi-tuned fuzzy rules Cc:000 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 523
Hierarchical genetic fuzzy systems Ec:000 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 547
Impacts of random noise and specification on estimates of capacity derived from data envelopment analysis Ee:000 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 551
An integrated approach to distributed version management and role-based access control in computer supported collaborative writing Fa:000 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 563
Knowledge management systems: An architecture for active and passive knowledge Fb:000 OR/MS / 42 / 5 / 565
Finding near-optimal Bayesian experimental designs via genetic algorithms Ca:000 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 403
Efficient data reconciliation Dz:000 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 429
A metadata oriented architecture for building data warehouse Dz:000 OR/MS / 42 / 4 / 433