QCAS / Volume 69 / Issue 3-4

Title Cat:App Page
Design of variance control charts with estimated parameters: A head to head comparison between two perspectives 111:Y 171
Robust multivariate control chart based on shrinkage for individual observations 111:Y 173
Deep learning-based residual control chart for count data 119:Y 177
Predictive control charts (PCC): A Bayesian approach in online monitoring of short runs 190:Y 181
The signaling effect of sampling size in physical goods sampling via online channels 210:Y 183
Adaptive preferential sampling in phylodynamics with an application to SARS-CoV-2 210:B 187
Sample design for analysis using high-influence probability sampling 220:Y 191
Bridging organizational performance gaps using the EFQM excellence model 319:A 195
The quality movement: Where are we going? Past, present and future 319:Y 199
Workplace stress and health – The connection to quality management 332:Y 203
ISO 9004 maturity model for quality in industry 4.0 342:Y 207
Impact of lean and quality management practices on green supply chain performance: An empirical study on ceramic enterprises 351:Y 209
Soft and hard TQM practices: Future research agenda for industry 4.0 410:A 211
Analysis of the evolution and impact of product quality in business 410:Y 213
Development of a Kaizen series model: Abducting a blend of participatory formats to enhance the development of process improvement practices 430:Y 217
The role of organizational culture in total quality management adoption and cost of quality 440:Y 221
Reflections on Bayesian inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo 512:Y 225
Prediction and outlier detection in classification problems 514:Y 229
Irrational exuberance: Correcting bias in probability estimates 517:Y 231
Treatment versus regime effects of carrots and sticks 519:Y 233
Mixtures of matrix-variate contaminated normal distributions 519:Y 237
Methods to compute prediction intervals: A review and new results 519:Y 239
Using BART to perform Pareto optimization and quantify its uncertainties 519:Y 241
Estimating design operating characteristics in Bayesian adaptive clinical trials 520:Y 245
A sequential predictive power design for a COVID vaccine trial 529:B 249
Hedging with linear regressions and neural networks 540:Z 253
Model averaging for nonlinear regression models 542:Y 255
Two-sample testing of high-dimensional linear regression coefficients via complementary sketching 549:Y 257
Extremile regression 549:Y 261
Handwriting identification using random forests and score-based likelihood ratios 559:Y 265
Bayesian models for analysis of inventory and monitoring data with non-ignorable missingness 590:Y 269
Quality management, performance measurement and indicators in higher education institutions: Between burden, inspiration and innovation 680:T 273
An evolution of performance data in higher education governance: A path towards a ‘big data’ era? 680:T 275
The idolatry of accreditation in higher education: Enhancing our understanding 680:T 277
Item pool quality control in educational testing: Change point model, compound risk and sequential detection 680:T 279
A new experiment on the use of images to answer web survey questions 690:Y 281
Changes in crime rates during the COVID-19 pandemic 690:Z 285
Warranty length, product reliability and secondary markets 860:Y 287
Journal Contents 291