QCAS / Volume 69 / Issue 5-6

Title Cat:App Page
Transparent sequential learning for statistical process control of serially correlated data 190:Y 341
Simulation-based pharmacokinetics sampling design for evaluating correlates of prevention efficacy of passive HIV monoclonal antibody prophylaxis 220:Y 345
Do previous survey experience and participating due to an incentive affect response quality? Evidence from the CRONOS panel 230:Y 349
Non-participation in smartphone data collection using research apps 230:Y 353
Incorporating surrogate information for adaptive subgroup enrichment design with sample size re-estimation 240:Y 357
Bayesian inference in common microeconometric models with massive datasets by double marginalized subsampling 290:Y 359
Corporation-wide variation reduction 310:Y 361
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winners: A quantitative analysis between strategic planning and human resource variables 342:Y 365
The EFQM 2020 model: A theoretical and critical review 349:A 367
The evolution of supply chain management as measured with the Baldrige excellence framework 351:A 371
An organizational framework for sustainable supply chain management: An integrated theoretical perspective 351:Y 375
Is quality management a competitive advantage? A study after the Spanish financial crisis in the furniture industry 440:A 379
Corporate social responsibility performance index model from stakeholder’s perspective: Case of an industrial company 490:Y 383
Statistical Inference from finite population samples: A critical review of frequentist and Bayesian approaches 512:Y 387
Confidence intervals for nonparametric empirical Bayes analysis 512:Y 389
Using a baseline with the probability of agreement to compare distribution characteristics 517:Y 391
High-dimensional, multiscale online changepoint detection 519:Y 395
Dynamic monitoring of ongoing clinical trials 530:B 397
A note on distributed quantile regression by pilot sampling and one-step updating 549:Y 399
Nonparametric specification testing of conditional asset pricing models 551:Y 403
Visualization for interval data 552:Y 405
The impact of the gig economy on product quality through the labor market: Evidence from ridesharing and restaurant quality 670:S 409
Creating shared understanding in statistics and data science collaborations 680:T 413
Innovation, professionalisation and evaluation: Implications for quality management in higher education 680:T 417
The role of external quality assurance for student learning outcomes in Japan: Evaluation of evidence between bureaucracy and peer reviews 680:T 421
Assessing patient satisfaction with emergency department care delivery using a patient experience framework 690:B 425
Understanding quality factors of electronic health service in an emerging economy 690:B 429
Statistical challenges in tracking the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 690:B 433
An integrated SEM-ANN approach for predicting QMS achievements in Industry 4.0 720:Y 437
Problem framing: Essential to successful statistical engineering applications 740:Y 439
Back to the future: Cybernetics for safety, quality and cybersecurity 790:A 443
Using statistical engineering in pharmaceutical and biotech problem solving a case study 790:B 447
Linking surveys and digital trace data: Insights from two studies on determinants of data sharing behavior 790:Y 451
Regression discontinuity designs for time-to-event outcomes: An approach using accelerated failure time models 830:Y 455
Journal Contents 457
Subject Index 505
Author Index 507