Category: 230 (Screening, censuses and surveys)

Title Cat:App Page
A simultaneous analysis of interviewer effects on various data quality indicators with identification of exceptional interviewers 230:Y QCAS / 49 / 6 / 619
New paradigms (models) for probability sampling 230:Y QCAS / 48 / 6 / 629
Are nonrespondents to health surveys less healthy than respondents? 230:B QCAS / 48 / 3 / 261
Best linear invariant estimators using ranked set sampling procedure: Comparative study 230:Y QCAS / 48 / 2 / 131
A review of empirical research on total quality management using scale developing methods: An Australian perspective 230:Y QCAS / 48 / 1 / 45
Understanding the cognitive processes of open-ended categorical questions and their effects on data quality 230:Y QCAS / 48 / 1 / 47
Are they really as bad as they seem? Nonresponse rates at the end of the twentieth century 230:Y QCAS / 47 / 4 / 385
Nonresponse in US government household surveys: Consistent measures, recent trends and new insights 230:Y QCAS / 47 / 3 / 265
Minimax strategies in survey sampling 230:Y QCAS / 46 / 4 / 399
Subsampling callbacks to improve survey efficiency 230:Y QCAS / 46 / 3 / 265
A new look at confidence intervals in survey sampling 230:Y QCAS / 46 / 2 / 145
Cumulating/combining population surveys 230:Y QCAS / 46 / 1 / 35
Administrative records and census taking 230:Y QCAS / 45 / 6 / 633
User surveys in external assessments: Problems and prospects 230:Y QCAS / 45 / 4 / 389
Interviewer’s tactics for fighting survey nonresponse 230:Y QCAS / 45 / 4 / 393
Extending the definition of survey quality 230:Y QCAS / 45 / 1 / 33