Application: Y (General Applications)

Title Cat:App Page
A reference prior for the analysis of a response surface 525:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 547
Minimax designs for the stability of slope estimation on second-order response surfaces 525:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 549
Optimization of multiple response surfaces with secondary constraints for improving a radiography inspection process 525:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 555
The use of a supersaturated experiments in turbine engine development 529:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 557
Imputation of censored response data in a bivariate designed experiment 529:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 559
Further exploratory analysis of split-plot experiments to study certain stratified effects 529:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 561
Explaining correlations by plotting orthogonal contrasts 530:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 563
Nonlinear regression with censored data 542:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 565
Estimation of non-parametric regression for dasometric measures 549:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 567
Using statistics to improve satisfaction 640:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 569
Quality cycles and the strategic manipulation of value 690:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 575
Bayesian modeling of accelerated life tests with random effects 820:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 579
Managing response time in a call-routing problem with service failure 820:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 583
Software field failure rate prediction before software deployment 820:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 585
Using an FMEA in a service setting 830:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 587
Optimal maintenance time for repairable systems 840:Y QCAS / 52 / 5 / 589
New demerit control limits for Poisson distributed defects 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 361
Model-based control charts in phase I statistical process control 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 363
Multivariate control charts for monitoring the mean vector and covariance matrix 111:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 365
Acceptance sampling based on truncated life tests for generalized Rayleigh distribution 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 371
Adaptive importance sampling technique for Markov chains using stochastic approximation 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 377
Bootstrap diagnostics and remedies 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 379
Small sample uniformity in random number generation 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 381
On the planning and design of sample surveys 230:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 385
Sample size implications when biases are modeled rather than ignored 240:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 389
An optimal lot-sizing and offline inspection policy in the case of nonrigid demand 240:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 395
“it was such a handy term”: Management fashions and pragmatic ambiguity 311:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 397
A “Six Sigma” black belt case study: G.E.P. Box’s paper helicopter experiment – Part A 314:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 401
A “Six Sigma” case study: G.E.P. Box’s paper helicopter experiment – Part B 314:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 405
Knowledge gathering, team capabilities and project performance in challenging work environments 332:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 409
Building quality at Veridian Homes 490:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 411
Adaptive estimation of error density in nonparametric regression with small sample size 512:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 415
Sampling plans based on balanced incomplete block designs for evaluating the importance of computer model inputs 522:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 421
The D-optimal design of blocked experiments with mixture components 522:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 427
A response surface approach to tolerance design 525:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 433
Noise strategy in robust design: What aspects of noise factors are important in quality engineering? 529:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 439
Robust parameter design with feedback control 529:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 441
An improvement in estimating the population mean by using the correlation coefficient 530:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 443
Implementing legacy programs for quality engineering in a spreadsheet environment 650:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 449
An assessment of statistical process control-based approaches for charting student evaluation scores 680:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 463
Reducing bias in ecological studies: An evaluation of different methodologies 690:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 465
Approving measurement systems when using derived values 710:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 467
On a conjecture of optimal repair-replacement strategies for warranted products 810:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 471
Reliability and heterogeneity of railway services 810:Y QCAS / 52 / 4 / 473
Performance assessment and improvement of control charts for statistical batch process monitoring 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 241
Self-adapting control charts 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 243
Effects of parameter estimation on control chart properties: A literature review 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 245
Phase I analysis for monitoring nonlinear profiles in manufacturing processes 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 249
The use of control charts in health-care and public-health surveillance 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 253
Statistical process adjustment: A brief retrospective, current status and some opportunities for further work 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 257
Production quality and yield assurance for processes with multiple independent characteristics 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 261
Permutation methods for comparing process capabilities 120:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 263
Credit to and in acceptance sampling 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 269
Importance sampling algorithms for Bayesian networks: Principles and performance 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 271
Sequential importance sampling for multiway tables 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 277
Making simulations more efficient when analyzing Poisson arrival systems and means of monotone functions 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 279
Optimal dynamic sample allocation among strata 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 281
Likelihood ratio order of m-spacings for two samples 210:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 283
Separating interviewer and sampling-point effects 230:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 285
Sample size determination using Bayesian decision criteria under absolute value loss function 240:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 289
Comparing quality management practices between the United States and Mexico 319:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 293
An exploration of the offset hypothesis using disaggregate data: The case of airbags and antilock brakes 339:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 295
Comparative analysis of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria: An empirical study of India, Mexico and the United States 343:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 297
Beyond PDCA – A new process management model 430:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 303
Performing hypothesis tests on the shape of functional data 511:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 309
Finding bad values in factorial designs – revisited 514:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 311
Combining data in small multiple-method studies 515:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 313
Evaluation of variance approximations and estimators in maximum entropy sampling with unequal probability and fixed sample size 515:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 315
Transforming the exponential by minimizing the sum of the absolute differences 519:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 317
Design of experiment algorithms for assembled products 520:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 319
Efficient 2k factorial designs for blocks of size 2 with microarray applications 520:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 325
Fitting logistic regression models with contaminated case-control data 540:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 329
Comparison of time series using subsampling 544:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 331
Cross-validation in nonparametric regression with outliers 549:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 333
Industrial statistics: A discipline with opportunities and challenges 790:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 349
Extreme (X-) testing with binary data and applications to reliability demonstration 820:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 351
Unreliability evaluation for a limited-flow network with failed nodes subject to the budget constraint 820:Y QCAS / 52 / 3 / 353
Monitoring paper production using a spectral control chart designed to detect in the presence of multiple cycles 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 2 / 121
Unit and group-runs chart to identify increases in fraction nonconforming 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 2 / 125
Using CUSUM control schemes for monitoring quality levels in compound Poisson production environment: The geometric Poisson process 110:Y QCAS / 52 / 2 / 127