QCAS / Volume 52 / Issue 4

Title Cat:App Page
New demerit control limits for Poisson distributed defects 110:Y 361
Model-based control charts in phase I statistical process control 110:Y 363
Multivariate control charts for monitoring the mean vector and covariance matrix 111:Y 365
Acceptance sampling based on truncated life tests for generalized Rayleigh distribution 210:Y 371
Adaptive importance sampling technique for Markov chains using stochastic approximation 210:Y 377
Bootstrap diagnostics and remedies 210:Y 379
Small sample uniformity in random number generation 210:Y 381
On the planning and design of sample surveys 230:Y 385
Sample size implications when biases are modeled rather than ignored 240:Y 389
An optimal lot-sizing and offline inspection policy in the case of nonrigid demand 240:Y 395
“it was such a handy term”: Management fashions and pragmatic ambiguity 311:Y 397
Selling quality ideas to management 312:M 399
A “Six Sigma” black belt case study: G.E.P. Box’s paper helicopter experiment – Part A 314:Y 401
A “Six Sigma” case study: G.E.P. Box’s paper helicopter experiment – Part B 314:Y 405
Knowledge gathering, team capabilities and project performance in challenging work environments 332:Y 409
Building quality at Veridian Homes 490:Y 411
Adaptive estimation of error density in nonparametric regression with small sample size 512:Y 415
Sampling plans based on balanced incomplete block designs for evaluating the importance of computer model inputs 522:Y 421
The D-optimal design of blocked experiments with mixture components 522:Y 427
A response surface approach to tolerance design 525:Y 433
Noise strategy in robust design: What aspects of noise factors are important in quality engineering? 529:Y 439
Robust parameter design with feedback control 529:Y 441
An improvement in estimating the population mean by using the correlation coefficient 530:Y 443
Improving customer service operations at Amazon.com 630:A 447
Implementing legacy programs for quality engineering in a spreadsheet environment 650:Y 449
Quality management in Pakistan’s bedwear industry 660:M 451
Assuring product quality in the production of nanoelectronic components 660:M 455
The impact of capacity costs on product differentiation in delivery time, delivery reliability and price 670:S 459
An assessment of statistical process control-based approaches for charting student evaluation scores 680:Y 463
Reducing bias in ecological studies: An evaluation of different methodologies 690:Y 465
Approving measurement systems when using derived values 710:Y 467
Failure to mobilize in reliability-seeking organizations: Two cases from the UK railway 810:S 469
On a conjecture of optimal repair-replacement strategies for warranted products 810:Y 471
Reliability and heterogeneity of railway services 810:Y 473